The job

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I woke up with Kira curled up in a ball next to me softly snoring she look so adorable in her sleep its intoxicating. My phone rang suddenly destroying my view of kitten. "Yto!" (What?) I roared into the phone.

"Boss we have a situation at base 4!!" shouted Mark.

"What is it?" I sneered.

"It looks like the feds are scoping out here".

"Did you make sure all the goods are taken through the underground tunnel?" I asked annoyed.

"Yes we did"

"So what is the problem Mark?". I sneered

"Our 10 o'clock truck is coming in the next 30 minutes and I can't get Jax on his phone to take them to the next location instead".

"Hold on I will be there in 20".

I hung up and check the Time and Kira. Man she is a hard sleeper. I got out of bed ensuring not to wake her and took a shower and got dress within 15 minutes. As I was leaving Kira stirred and got up rubbing her eyes looking around.

"A-a-a-are you leaving me here alone?" She asked a bit shocked.

"No kitten I have something work related that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible ".

"Can I come with ?" She asked pleading with her eyes.

"No kitten maybe a next time see you in an hour, call me if you need anything the cellphone is on your bed table and I program my number as well as my family feel free to call me at anytime"
I pecked her lips and left for the door.

When I got to there, I saw the feds with their dogs sniffing around I was irate. "Excuse me where is your boss ?'" I asked very irate. He pointed to a muscled man in all black I approached him.
"What can I do for you gentlemen?". He looked inquisitive then narrowed his eyes at me.

"We have a search warrant for this property on the account for drug and human trafficking." I looked at him indifferent with no emotion on my face.

"Well you must be mistaken this property was just bought and is currently being surveyed for new condos." He narrowed his eyes again then looked around.

"Then it should not be a problem we search your warehouse then would it ?" He asked with raised eyebrows

"No problem at all. Jackson open the doors." I signal one my men. The dogs sniffed and they searched but came up with nothing. The captain faced me one last time and then left with his men. 10 minutes after they left my shipment came in.

"Jax what the Fuck!! Did you not here us calling you about shipment?" He looked confuse

"Sorry boss but my battery died 3 hours ago."

"Ok you are taking this shipment to the 5th ave location. The feds are sniffing around here so take this shipment to 5th ave underground. Move people they will be back ." After the drugs were loaded they took them to 5th. I  then called in my contractors to begin the cover up project. I later head back to my home office to get some work done.

After Chandler left I decide to check out the phone he left. I almost had a fit it was the brand  iPhone 6s plus. I held my mouth so I wouldn't wake the house with my screams of joy. I scrolled through the contacts and apps, he even had on my type of music on I was psyched. I texted Chandler a long thank you, then decided to take a shower.

After my shower I got dressed in a short pants, a crop top shirt and some sandals. I headed downstairs and ate some pancakes, bacon and eggs with OJ. after walking up and down the house I settled for tv and popcorn. 1 hour later I grew bored and decided to roam again. I looked at the door and saw C.Rastanova and decided to go in. There he sat, Chandler in all his glory at his desk rubbing his face.

"Chandler?" He looked up dazed but smile

"Kitten what have I done to be graced with your presence?"

"I just want to thank you for the cellphone and I am so bored." I expressed sitting on his desk. He look up and then drag me onto his lap then began to draw small circles on my thigh.

"What do you want to do?"he asked

"Can I help you with this?" I said looking at his balance sheet and see it done wrong no wonder he could not get it balanced off. "I have a degree in economics and accounting,can I help ?" I asked. He gave me his famous 100 kilowatt smile and said "sure why not?" An hour later,  I completed all his balance sheets and he was amazed.

"Kitten can you do some more of those for me? these are only for the commercial spaces I have for rent" he asked happy and relieved. "Sure it's better than being bored out of my mind". "Then your hired" we talked a bit more about my job, then we decided to go out to eat lunch.





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