M - Manic
A - Abnormal
T - terrorist
H- humans hate me
Note from author - parts will be added every so often most likely when i want to write something ☺️
I stand a few meters away from the door of the pub and take a deep breath. Although I know my plan has a 80% chance of working I still get scared. I mean I am basically walking into a room full of drunk men behaving quite obscured but I mean oh well. I am 17 but look like and am tall enough to be a 21 year old so I don't have to show my ID at the door.
I stroll in with a slight stumble to my walk so I look drunk. The first thing I see is a group of girl huddled in the corner chairs watching what seems to probably be their boyfriend dancing with all the other hot girl who look proper wrecked and absolutely pissed. I go and join in and instantly all the men turn to me because I am probably the best looking one their. The women dancing a few metres away has her mascara smudged all down her face like she has been crying but is having fun like nothing had every happened and all the other women have the lipstick smudged up the side of their faces probably because they have kissed all the men their. Not all the women look like that though most are quiet and calm and act like normal people on the dance floor and actually look decent which I would say makes me fit in more.
I flinch as I begin to feel movement behind me I turn round with an obviously unappealing face because he then pulls an ugly face, stops trying to touch my waste and walks away. I remember to act naturally and cool about things like that so when it happened again I turned around with a nice smile on my face and see a decently young man wearing quite a fancy outfit. I swear I recognise those eyes. He touches me up and down my waste ( I obviously still have my dress on and am dancing on the dance floor ) but he is quite pg and doesn't go below the waste band of my knickers. I will feel bad if I scare him he is to handsome and young to have to deal with something like that. So I turn and around and we dance facing each other for a bit but then I wave sexily and then wander off I see him smile a bright strong smile...... a smile that I recognised. I look back to see whether I can figure out who he is but he is already gone dancing with someone else.
I find another man later that night in about his mid 40s trying to hit on girls who are way younger than him whilst he buys them drinks. I let him hit on me and we talk for a while I was trying not to act awkward and I was only sipping my drink because I didn't want to get drunk. He asks the normal questions and I respond with mostly lies. I ask him if he wants to dance and he said " Girl you are young and pretty I am saving my moves for later or for a few minutes. I own this pub my large ass queen bed is ready to be claimed by us if you want to come with me?" I smirk and cringe at the same time. I can't believe I am doing this. It is the weirdest stunt I have tried to pull off in a while but off course my adrenaline kicks in and I follow him up.
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I'm the one circled trying not to look awkward. I got this picture of a girl from the bar who I actually became good friends with in about 40 minutes so I got her number. All I really care about is looking hot.......