16 │Apology

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Giselle returned just as she said—half an hour later. Freya ignored her presence, truly offended, for which she knew had no reason to. However, she couldn't shake her confused feelings just like that. Luckily for the piece of maintaining her attitude, she managed to prepare herself for departure before her maid set foot in her room, therefore she didn't need to say anything as she gathered her bag and without a second glance aimed toward the stairs. It seemed as if the gods were determined to turn her life into a comedy, because as soon as she stepped out of the room, she ran into Leander. Their previous conversation still heavy around them, made the descent as awkward as the fact of her avoiding Gisell's stare.

She got herself literally into an emotional hell and, as if adding to that even more drama and misery—at the bottom, there was nobody else than Qadir already waiting for them. "Took you long enough," he said with his casual demeanor.

"Could you, please, do me a favor and keep that mouth of yours closed for now?" Freya snapped and caught sight of her maid's surprised expression out of the corner of her eye. Leander appeared to accept their quarrels already and simply stood there with his indifferent expression. Giselle was another story, though, not clued in their travel dynamics, she seemed slightly lost for a moment. Nonetheless—gathered herself pretty fast, which only proved that Freya couldn't find any better person in these circumstances. For Freya's temporary discontent.

"Who's the other woman?" Qadir asked, ignoring Freya's earlier request.

"My maid. Any problem with that?" Freya cocked an eyebrow in a form of challenge.

Qadir looked like it took a lot of effort to keep from making another biting remark. Fortunately for the integrity of his limbs, Leander was the first to respond. "Not at all. Glad for you to join us. We already had the chance to meet at your arrival; I'm sorry I didn't get to introduce myself. I am king's Cassius brother, Leander." He turned toward the other vampire. "And this is his adviser, Qadir."

"Pleasure, my Lords," Giselle replied stiffly with a slight bow, managing not to spill her words with too much venom. Her opinion about their companions was clearly visible on her face though.

After that introduction, they made their way to the dining area. They didn't exchange many words as they ate—just a few awkward glances between Freya and Leander, which both of them seemed to try to ignore spotting. After that, they were ready to leave with their bellies full and strength replenished. They had a hell of a journey still ahead and Freya started to wonder how the sail was going to unfold. She had never been on a ship—just a few small boats destined only for river waters. Knowing some people reacted to that by sickness, Freya could only hope her stomach was strong enough for that. Freya had to think about Frida as well—the poor creature wasn't aware of what was going to happen, so as soon as she got the reins she caressed her mare, not entirely sure if to encourage the horse or herself.

Shortly after, Freya found herself facing a massive ship they were to depart on. Leander told her earlier that he had their passage paid in advance. It was important, because not every ship could carry their horses and give them the safety needed on the waters they were meant to sail for a week. The Mourning Sea was considered vicious. Their waters vast and unpredictable. The bigger the ship—the better.

The crowded port made it hard to see the said sea. Moreover, the dusk came a long time ago and once again Freya had to postpone admiring this body of water until the morning hours. Giselle's sudden arrival made her prior plans undoable. A pity, but she knew she would have loads of the view very soon, all day—all to herself.

With a quick look, she assessed Giselle's well-being, confirming that her maid was displaying remarkable bravery and hiding any signs of discomfort. And that she must have felt, considering that just like Freya, she had never seen the sea and her foot had never touched the deck. Just as Giselle wasn't camping king of person, Freya could only assume she wasn't the sailing type too.

Queen of Ashes │ Season 1 │The JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now