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You came into my life like the tide

Sweeping, rushing, pulling

An endless ebb and flow

Giving me breath and then stealing it away

You filled my heart like an ocean

But it crashed against the rocky coast

And then the tide swept away.

You flooded my world with you

I swam against currents of your smile

Your laugh

Your voice

Your eyes

But I was not strong enough

And I sank

While you stayed afloat.

You rained on my soul

Each drop a reminder of my dry emptiness

And your lush abundance

You pooled and puddled in the cracks in my walls

Steadily seeping through

Until I can't erase the memory of you

But then you're gone

Drying up

Leaving me with nothing.

I think I'm dying now

I can't tell if I should thank you or hate you

You gave me water

When I was dry

You gave me life

When I was dying

You gave me hope

But now it's gone

And you're gone

And I am drowning

In the vast oceans you left behind.

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