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Pelenia stared at Antioni and Antioni shifted under that stare. The basket in the crook of her arm looked at least a little more empty than when they had both set out to earn a little coin and, no doubt, some people within Upper Siverra would now be settling down for a night of passion fuelled by the impression that the draught they had partaken of had mystical, somewhat throbbing qualities. For some, it might even work.

"We have no space for strays." She hefted the basket onto the back of the wagon and stared at Antioni again. She knew well Niico's type. Breathing the foremost of the qualities he enjoyed. "Unless he has a talent we can use, he'll be just another mouth to feed."

"Oh, he has talents. Prodigious, wonderful talents." Niico grinned at Antioni and his eyes wandered down the man's body. "So very, very many talents. But, yes, those talents may be more tilted toward the more mature end of things, and for a very select crowd, but he is most certainly ... talented."

His voice trailed away as Niico made a mental map of places he and Antioni could adjourn to to partake of those talents. Someone said something, but Niico didn't hear a word of it, his mind occupied by far more feral, primal thoughts and memories of the previous encounter between himself and the man with the most wonderful head of hair. Among other things.

"Can I see what he can do?" Herit stood before Antioni, looking up to the young man and waving. Antioni waved back, smiling. "Is he flexible, like me? Or can he lift heavy things, like Akafa? Is he good at tossing things, like you?"

Akafa pulled Herit away from Antioni, by the shoulders, and stood before the boy. He glared at Niico, for some reason, as though the boy's curiosity were Niico's fault. In fact, both Akafa and Pel glared at him and Niico began to wonder if such a look had become infectious. Meanwhile, Niico had to admit, Antioni could do all of those things, if not quite in the way Herit imagined. Niico had to make a good case for keeping Antioni around, if only for the time being.

"He has a lot of money." He reached over, patting the bulge of Antioni's coin purse. "He can pay his way. And when I say a lot of money, I mean a lot. A lot."

He gave Pel a knowing nod and she rolled her eyes before returning her attention to her basket. They would have to refill that basket, and find more bottles for her concoctions. Antioni's money could pay for that. In fact, with the estimated amount of money in that bulging coin purse, they could probably travel half the length of Larissa without giving a single performance, but where was the fun in that?

"Well, we have to be ready to leave at first light. I've heard rumours." She didn't look to Akafa and Herit, but the implication was there, in the way she stood, the way she spoke with care and, of course, in the way she jerked her head in their direction. Subtly. "Fenorlo is out. Orususkan forces are making headway in the south. The word is that they intend attacking Vicerini from two directions."

"Well, that's hardly anything to do with us. We're a travelling troupe of beguiling entertainers. Everyone loves beguiling entertainers. Even Orususkans. Though, their idea of entertainment is usually of the more brutal, death-dealing kind." He tilted his head as he thought. "Except for their, shall we say, more salacious entertainments? You have to admire a people that promote orgies as a neighbourhood get together."

Pel scowled at him, wiggling her eyes toward Akafa and Herit in a way that she clearly thought they couldn't see. They could. Everyone could. She had no need to worry about Akafa. He came from Orususk and must know well their proclivities. The boy, perhaps, shouldn't learn of such things for a good ten more Summers, or so, certainly, but he came from Orususk, too. It wasn't as though those people hid their excesses.

"Have you ever been to an orgy?" That boy could pick up things hidden amid a pile of manure and still find the one, clean pin to prick at people's attempts at subtle subterfuge. Herit looked all wide-eyed and then scrunched his face. "I've heard of them, but I don't know what one is, but the Ladies of .."

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