chapter 19

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Juni was  taken home by his parents and uncles. Juni was  sleeping on his mumma's chest; it was  already nighttime.

Jungkook was taking Juni to Taehyung's room when Taehyung followed him.

"Excuse me, Kim Taehyung, you can't sleep in the same room as your to-be bride before marriage," Jin ordered.

Jungkook's heart raced; he bit his lip in shyness, looking down, while Taehyung's eyes shot open.

"Why," he nearly shouted in surprise.

Jin looked at him in bewilderment; he facepalmed himself.

"Taehyung, no groom and bride sleep in the same room before marriage," Jin informed.

"But hyung, marriage is day after tomorrow. I can't stay away from my babies for 1 day and 2 nights; it's torture," Taehyung whined.

Jungkook's eyes widened; his already racing heart was under tachycardia, his cheeks a bright shade of red. Taehyung is sure shameless; the way he called him and Juni his babies in front of everyone.

"Taehyung, stop being a brat and go to the guest room," Jin rolled his eyes.

"And Jungkook, you go to your room; you must be tired. Let this brat throw tantrums," Jin said sweetly to Jungkook, who shyly nodded his head and left for the master bedroom.

He placed the baby undercovers and took out all the medicines, checked all of them and their times at which he has to feed his baby, and placed them on the nightstand table.

Then he took some tablets for himself, ate them, then laid himself beside his baby.

Juni was sleeping peacefully, his eyes half-open like his dada; Jungkook chuckled at it and remembered this morning, how he woke up next to Taehyung, how handsome the elder looked, and how he gripped his waist. He put his hands on his waist unknowingly, biting his lips in shyness and nervousness.

"Calm down, please," he whispered and patted his chest.

He looked at Juni again.

"You are going to be my son for real; did you hear that, my sunshine?" he said in excitement and kissed his cheeks so lovingly, making sure he doesn't wake up his baby.

Juni stirred in his sleep, 'mu~ma,' he mumbled in his sleep, blooming Jungkook's heart.

"Yes, yes, yes, I am your mumma; I am your mumma for real now, Juni, my baby," Jungkook whispered and kissed his baby with happy tears in his voice.

He laid on his back, looking at the ceiling, analyzing how long this day was, starting with such a beautiful morning, then his baby's medical condition and the tragedy of his real parents. The respect and admiration he has for Taehyung increased by a thousand folds today; not for once could Jungkook imagine that Juni is not Taehyung's real son. He loves Juni like his own flesh.

Remembering what his baby has suffered in his tiny life, Jungkook took the baby and attached him to his chest . Juni immediately hugged his mumma in sleep, grabbing the shirt of the elder on his chest.

On the other side, Taehyung was pacing back and forth; he tried three times to sneak out of the room to his babies, but once he was caught by Namjoon, another time by Jimin, and lastly by Jin, and after that, Jin locked his room.

Tae called Yoongi on the phone, sure that Yoongi would help him, as the same condition would happen to him also because he is only unmarried and a simp for Jimin. But poor Yoongi couldn't find the keys and was caught by Jimin red-handed, and now he is roaming with another black eye in the mansion.

"I just wanted to see my son and say good night to Koo; what's in that," Taehyung pouted. Then his eyes laid on the balcony; the light bulb of his mind switched on.

Thankfully, the guest room is next to the master bedroom, so he has to just go to the next balcony from his balcony by traveling on a shed for some steps, since they are on the first floor.

"Yes, Tae, you are a genius," Taehyung said to himself and went to the balcony.

He stepped on the shed, "Tae, don't look down; you are strong, right? For Juni, for Koo, you can do it," with each step, he said the same lines and finally reached the balcony of the master bedroom.

He saw from outside, Juni attached to Jungkook, Jungkook patting the head of Juni while himself being in some thoughts. He smiled at the mother-son duo and knocked the window that was locked.

Jungkook panicked because of sudden noise.

But then he saw Taehyung outside knocking like a thief.

His eyes shot open; he placed Juni safely on the bed and hurriedly opened the window.

"Hyungie, what? How? Where did you come from," Jungkook asked with wide doe eyes in surprise.

His long hair was messed, making the beauty more cute and beautiful. Taehyung was not able to recover from the first shock of Jungkook calling him 'hyungie' that Jungkook had to look this beautiful in the dim lights of the room, killing Taehyung with every second.

"Hyungie," Jungkook called Taehyung with a whine as the elder was not answering him.

"Oh Koo, I came from the balcony," Taehyung smiled like a fool, shocking Jungkook more.

Jungkook stepped onto the balcony to see how the hell Taehyung came from the guest room; he could have broken his bones if taken one step wrong.

"Hyungie  it is so dangerous; you should not do it," Jungkook complained , unknowingly in a pout, once again killing Taehyung.

Taehyung breathed sharply looking at the beauty, how lucky he became to have this beauty inside out as his life partner.

"Hyungie, it's so cold; come inside," Jungkook took the hand of the already gone elder in the room.

"What are you doing to me, Koo," Taehyung asked the younger dreamingly.

Jungkook frowned, not getting what the elder is saying .

"Are you drunk, Hyungie," Jungkook asked shaking him.

"Maybe yes," 'in your love' Taehyung speak  the last line in his mind .

Jungkook looked at the elder in bewilderment.

Suddenly the door of the room opened, revealing an angry Jin.

Taehyung gulped, looking at the elder.

Jin didn't leave a second and grabbed the ear of the industrialist.

"Ouch, Hyungie," Taehyung hissed.

Jin started dragging Taehyung with him without saying anything as Juni was sleeping.

But Taehyung somehow got rid of the elder's grip and ran to Jungkook, who was too shocked at the commotion.

Taehyung took Jungkook in his arms and hugged him hurriedly and kissed his forehead.

"Goodnight, bun," Taehyung wished him lovingly and kissed his forehead again.

"This one is for Juni, kiss Juni for me, hmm," he said, and Jin grabbed him outside the room.

Jungkook was zoned out; what the hell happened? I mean, was it a dream? It happened so rapidly, not even giving him a chance to react.

He touched his forehead where else kissed him; the kiss still lingered on his skin. He bit his lips to stop smiling but to no avail.

He hurriedly sat on the bed, put his hand on his heart, and patted it, drank water.

He took Juni in his arms and kissed him.

"This one is from dada," he said to his sleeping baby smiling and kissed him again. "This one is from mumma," he said, "can't let dada kiss you more, can I," he said while chuckling.

"Mumma is so selfish to  love you , my baby," he said lovingly.

"And dada, I am sure he will kill mumma with his activities," Jungkook said shyly smiling .


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