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Kya slips into a bending stance. She glances around at the soldiers all of them holding a fire ball in their hands and one of the officials steps forward and he says

"surrender ..."

Kya shifts her stance slightly and then watches as Zuko is brought forward pulled by a collar chain his hair is long and matted and covers his face and his once royal robes are in tatters.

The official pulls out a knife he moves it's towards Zuko's neck.

"Surrender or your prince he suddenly grabs Zuko's tongue

"Loses his tongue"

Kya shudders and she puts her hands up.

The man smirks and he slices Zuko's cheek before he signals the guards to take Kya down.

They push her to the ground and yank her arms behind her a black bag is put over her head and Kya stumbles as she inhales some sort of drug.

She's unable to see anything as she's pushed along towards...her legs bang into something cold and metallic.

They cuff her wrists and ankles and connect her to a wooden bar.

They take off the bag and Freya tries to blink in order to clear her vision.

Zuko is set next to her his wrists and and ankles are chained and connected to the wooden bracket on the wall.

Kya's eyes widen when she feels the large ...metallic room she's in begins to move upward.

"It's okay" Zuko says from where he's at.

Kya looks at him surprised. "Herbs?" She whispers. Zuko nods and he says "inhalant." Freya shudders thinking about how that could be used.

"He got away" Zuko whispers.


"yes" Zuko says

Freya draws her legs to her chest and she says

"why are we alive?"

"I have knowledge only the crown prince would have. There are certain chambers only I can access.

"Not even Azula could go where I can"

"Is Azula.."

"No she disappeared. She wasnt doing what they wanted ...she came to my cell to rant and I told her to run. Frankly I'm surprised she listened. She told me she needed to travel to better understand the world"

Kya nods slightly and she moves her knees up and rests her head on them.

"What happened? I thought you found your family" Zuko says.

Kya opens her mouth to answer when she senses footsteps outside their cell. Kya stiffens as the door opens and a strange figure comes into the room. His head is blue and wrinkly and he's wearing dark clothes with a strange fabric ...he turns to the guards and says

"bring them to my lab" 

Kyas eyes widen slightly as they're both grabbed and bags are placed on their heads. They're spun around to the point where they're so dizzy they can barely walk straight by the time Kya is pushed into the lab she falls to her knees and gets sick.

"Disgusting children" the blue man says. He looks around and his eyes fall on a blonde boy with grey eyes "you clean her up" he turns to another "and you clean up this mess!" He snaps and the blonde boy comes over to Kya who is blinking in the bright light. He pauses when he sees how young the girl is and he sighs carefully lifting her hp and bringing her over to a metal chair with restraints.

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Kya's eye widen and she begins to struggle until two pairs of beefy hands grab her and one holds her in place while the other straps her in. She's strapped in by her head wrists shoulders ankles lower and upper legs Kya tries to move her head and one of the larger boys clicks it into place so she can't move it. Then a gag is placed in her mouth and Kya silently glares at the pair of large boys.

"That's enough Crabbe. I will take it from here" blondie says Kya watches as Zuko is picked up by the two boys and he's chained to a post. Kya keeps her eyes on him and he looks straight at her.

The blue alien returns and he places a black box on a table and he pulls out a large needle. He puts a potion into place and the blonde boy moves over to his side and begins to prepare Kya's arm for injection. His hands are cold and surprisingly gentle...

"Hold her" the blue man says and Kya can feel the boys heart beat pick up as something blue is injected into Kya's veins. Her eyes widen as everything within her seizes up Kya closes her eyes as she suddenly feels very cold ...

Kya's eyes widen and she looks down and sees that her arm is turning blue.  He turns to the blonde boy and says "well? Why aren't you taking notes!? And you take pictures we must have them for the report

Several minutes later ...

Kya is injected again and this time nothing happens Kya fades in and out of consciousness... until Kya sees the blue man leave.

The blonde goes over to the door and he says "Crabbe go and help the master with the results." The boy moves quickly to do what the blonde asks.

He goes over to a cabinet and he pulls out a vial. He goes over to  Kya and he says "I need you to drink this"

"Don't drink it Kya look at what they've done to you!" Zuko says. Goyle the other boy moves to go over to Zuko but the blonde boy holds up a hand.

"Here" he takes a small sip of the vial and Zuko watches the energy wash over him. 

"What is it?" Zuko says

"It's...restorative potion" the blonde boy says. Kya's eyes blink and she breathes out smoke before beginning to cough. Her eyes widen when she sees the blonde boy and a he tries to get free of the restraints.

"Calm yourself" the blonde boy says "drink this it'll make you feel better" he helps Kya drink the potion and she passes out as the energy washes over her. The door opens quickly and a man enters and he walks over to the blonde boy.

"Draco how are they faring?" He asks not even looking at Zuko.

"Oh it's grand a real party" Zuko says with a raised eyebrow.

The man looks over at Zuko. He turns to Draco then he looks back at Zuko. "You are Prince Zuko" he says sounding surprised.


The man nods and he looks back at the door

"There is not time to discuss this now." He turns back to Draco


"The results said she's ..." he pulls out the piece of parchment and the man's eyes widen.

"This did..."

"Will someone please tell me what's going on?" Zuko says.

"Your friend is my granddaughter" he man says. He curses softly and he whispers "what did you put on your report?"

"What do you think?" Draco asks. The man nods and then he stiffens and he vanishes in a cloud of green smoke.

The blue man returns and he says "the master wishes us to run more tests. Get the girl up"

Kya is quickly unstrapped and pulled to her feet. The blue man turns to Draco

"Well? You have magic correct?" 

Draco hesitates and the blue man says "I'd hate to tell the master you disappointed him. What would your mother think?"

Draco grips a wooden stick and he says "impedimenta!"  He says and Kya crosses her arms in front of her and they all watch as the ropes shred into tiny pieces. Draco takes a step back and he tries again and again Kya simply defends herself against the attack.

"Fight me!" Draco says sending more and more towards Kya who simply side steps the attacks her feet moving in circles as she moves. Still kya refuses to fight the boy head on. A powerful spell makes Kya tumble to her knees and Draco comes towards her and grabs her by her tunic.

Listen to me. You must fight me..we don't have a choice.

Kyas eyes widen. Then she throws a blast of fire towards him  

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