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The words of getting close to eachother was so simple but doing it, not so. It wasn't that they hated the idea of being close. It was just that these past month they've spent together something have bulit inside them. The more time they spent together, the stronger their bond grew. They found themselves caring for each other and worrying about each other. Despite their mastery at concealing their emotions, their hearts couldn't hide the truth. Even though they tried to hide it.

Inside the room, Jimin was lying on the bed, covered himself with a thin blanket, and lovingly patting his tiny pup Ji-yeon letting her to know that he's there with her, who was peacefully sleeping. At the same time, Jungkook was busy adding more wood to the fireplace, aiming to make the room even warmer and cozier.

Jungkook was feeling a bit restless, perhaps nervous about something. However, he knew he needed a good night's sleep since he had to go hunting the next day. Curiosity got the better of him, and he turned around to check if Jimin had already fallen asleep. To his surprise, Jimin was there, gently patting their daughter to provide comfort. Moved by this sight, Jungkook got up from his seat and approached the bed, capturing Jimin's attention.

"Did she fall asleep?" Jungkook asked Jimin in a low voice, careful not to wake her up. The tiny baby had endured many difficulties in the past two days, and it might have been overwhelming for her.

"Yes, hyung," Jimin replied with a smile, his eyes filled with warmth as he watched the alpha's unwavering attention on Ji-yeon. A sense of joy spread across his face, knowing just how much care she was receiving from him.

"Alright, let's get some sleep. We're running short on time," Jungkook suggested as he moved towards the other side of the bed. Ji-yeon was peacefully sleeping on the right side, while Jimin occupied the middle. Thankfully, there was no need to worry about her falling down since there was a wall on the other side providing support. Although she's just a few days old and won't be rolling on the bed, it might become a bit troublesome once she starts crawling on her knees.

As Jimin lay in the middle of the bed, he felt the other side dip down, indicating that Jungkook had joined him. They each had their own blankets, with Jungkook using his while Jimin and Ji-yeon nestled under theirs.

Jimin was feeling a bit nervous about sleeping with Jungkook. His heart was  racing, and he can't help but feel a little jittery. On the other hand, Jungkook is also feeling his heart beating fast, as well as he was actually enjoying the feeling. Jimin's nervousness might stem from the uncertainty of sharing such an intimate space with Jungkook.

As Jimin lay there, gently patting his daughter, he noticed the room grow dimmer as the alpha, adjusted the light. Then, he heard the sound of shuffling coming from behind. Jungkook had a habit of removing his shirt before going to sleep. It seemed that Jungkook couldn't sleep comfortably with his upper clothes on.

With a surge of courage, Jimin sat on the edge of the bed and slowly removed his blanket. He turned around, facing Jungkook, and carefully slid into the warmth of Jungkook's blanket. Without hesitation, Jungkook extended his arm to the side, inviting Jimin to snuggle into his embrace. His heart was pounding as he settled his head on his alphas chest.

He looked up to see is Jungkook have any insecurity about his earlier actions but find nothing. As Jungkook instinctively wrapped his arm around like he found that what Jimin was asking him. Their gazes locked, a magnetic pull drawing them closer feeling the warmth of their bodies intertwine.

As the Omega's body trembled, a shiver ran down his spine, causing him to break their locked gaze. In that moment, it felt as if a swarm of delicate butterflies took flight in his stomach. When Jimin sensed Jungkook's hand on his waist, beads of sweat formed on his body, while a gentle warmth enveloped his neck. It was like a fluttery sensation, almost like there was a little wings flapping around inside him and nervousness all rolled into one creating an electrifying connection in him.

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