Chapter Summary: Morgan returns but things seem to be off about her
Words: 2,000+
'Ding Ding Ding'
"This contest is set for one fall, and it is for the United States Championship," Justin announced.
"Dean Ambrose, gonna defend the US Title tonight. It's been a while." Cole said as The Shield walked out and got in the ring. "Dean issued an open challenge in the locker room here tonight."
The Shield's theme faded and they waited for Dean's opponent.
All of a sudden, Mark Henry's theme comes on, and Dean makes a shocked facial expression, putting his hands to his mouth as Roman and Seth look amused. Mark Henry walks out with a grin while Dean looks on in disbelief.
"Oh boy, The World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry. A former World Heavyweight Champion." Cole continued.
"Dean Ambrose is thinking, take back, take back," King said.
Roman tries to give Dean some supporting words while Mark gets in the ring. After Justin makes the announcements for the match, Morgan's theme comes on as the crowd erupts in loud cheers.
'I've had enough, I'm taking you down, taking you down'
"Yes! She's back!" King cheered.
"I was wondering where she was!" JBL said.
"And Dean's night just gotten worse." Cole declared as The Outspoken Diva walked out.
She was wearing her Valentine's Day outfit with the 'Believe In Us' top. She proceeded to wear her dark makeup with the veins under her eyes more visible, similar to the vampire diaries.
She begins to grin at the crowd and tags some of the fan's hands before walking over to ringside. Her theme fades as the bell rings.
"Morgan! You're back!" King grinned as she sat on commentary.
"Yes, I am." She smirked softly
"How come you're out here?"
"I want a front row seat for this. This is going to be entertaining."
"Morgan, where were you?" Cole asked
"Home." she replied.
"What is going on with your eyes? Are you all right?"
"Why weren't you on Smackdown?" JBL asked as Seth and Roman glanced at one another and then back at Morgan.
She looked like she was still recovering. Maybe The Wyatts were just messing with them, to provoke them. Roman looked back in the ring and started to look amused at Dean.
"He's got him. He's got him!" Seth reassured.
Dean glanced at Morgan and was glad that she was okay. He thought The Wyatts had gotten a hold of her. Even if they did break up, he still loved her and wanted to make sure she was safe. He cared about her a lot and will continue to, no matter if they were dating or not.
"So Ambrose versus Mark Henry for the US Championship," Cole looked on.
Dean starts to look reluctant in the match which makes Morgan laugh.
"He amuses me so much. I really want to see him get his ass kicked." She said.
"Morgan! You don't mean that." JBL exclaimed.
"I do."
"I'm sure you two can work it out. You two just need time."
"I don't think so..." She retorted as Dean tried to lock up with Mark but he pushed him down. "Ha!"
"And there's the strength of Mark Henry," Cole said as he also mentioned Henry's left elbow being taped up.
Dean recovers and gets himself together. He tries to lock up with him again but Mark pushes him down. Ambrose slides out of the ring and recovers as Seth and Roman try to give him some support.
"So is it true, you've been hearing Sister Abigail in your head?" Cole asked.
"What is going on there?"
"She says that she is helping me."
"Do you agree with her?"
"I don't think I have a choice. She's been there for me and she tells me all these positive things and it makes me feel stronger. Mentally."
"I got a bad feeling about that..." King said with concern.
"You don't need to worry about me. I'm fine." Morgan reassured.
"You sure? I mean, you just broke up with Ambrose. And it was a nasty one." Cole recalled.
She sighed. "I'll overcome the pain and sadness. I just need time. I'll be okay."
Dean manages to hit Mark on his injured elbow but gets hit with a big boot. Mark throws Dean to the turnbuckle and begins toying with him around the ring. Mark throws Dean into the steel post while Morgan cringes at the sight. She felt concerned for Dean, even if she didn't want to admit it. She still cared about him after all this time
"You all right?" Seth asked Dean.
Later on, Mark throws Dean out of the ring as Seth and Roman help him. Mark continues to take control but picking Dean up and throwing his back into the steel post as he yells out in pain. Morgan shows a small look of concern.
"You okay, Morgan? You're quiet." Cole pointed out.
"Oh, I'm just enjoying this, while you call the action." She replied.
Mark begins to squeeze Dean's head off the steel post.
"He's squeezing his head like a grape," King exclaimed.
Dean slides back in the ring but Mark begins to stretch his body off the steel post.
"Oh, man." Cole chuckled.
"Well, your body isn't supposed to bend in that direction,"
Mark slides back in the ring while the crowd chants 'CM Punk'
Seth grabs a mic while Dean hits Mark with a DDT.
"CM who? Huh?" He asked the crowd while Dean began to take control.
"Are you serious?" Morgan asked.
"That's Dean Ambrose right there! That's the United States Champion!" Rollins yelled as the crowd booed. Seth walked over to the announce table and looked at the crowd. "That's the man, you wish you could be! And that's the man, all you ladies wanna be with tonight! Especially you, Morgan! You're in denial!"
The Outspoken Diva narrowed her eyes at him, annoyed that he called her out.
"" She retorted on commentary before he went back to ringside, next to Roman. "I am not in denial. I don't want him, anymore,"