6:||A Lost Chance

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It felt to Nightmare as though days at Killer's side had passed, when it really had only been maybe two or so hours. His eyes were unfocused, his head was low. Ever so often, he would look over at his servant's unconscious form and wonder if he was well on his journey to the afterlife. He at least hoped death welcomed such an amazing individual as Killer.

But Nightmare noticed Killer's shallow breathing, and any hope he had flared. Maybe Sci had fixed what was wrong. Maybe this was something that time would be able to heal! Nightmare held Killer's hand that was not injured and refused to let go. He wanted Killer to be able to wake up and see him by his side.

Nightmare wanted Killer to know he cared. That he didn't hate him. The last person he wanted to think hated him was Killer. Well, that wasn't entirely true, because his brother was another person he loved dearly. But at the moment, it was Killer. The only person that mattered to him.

At this point, Nightmare couldn't care less about his own self. He hung his head low and sat in silence for hours on end. There were no noises at Sci's place like there were at normal hospitals. Everything was empty and quiet, and that's just how Nightmare felt at the moment.

(Mind you, I've never been to the hospital in my life bc of my religious beliefs.)

But he had to keep on clinging to the hope that Killer was going to wake up eventually. However many days it took. However many weeks it took. Nightmare didn't care how long it took as long as Killer woke up in the end. Maybe... Maybe Killer needed time to heal.

Or maybe...

Maybe Nightmare's grief would be what needed time to heal.

And it did. Because Sci came in the room, startling Nightmare awake. He stared up at the scientist/doctor's face. It didn't look good at all. Judging by the expression Sci had, he bore had news.



"I'm so sorry..."

"Sci, please stop apologizing for what isn't your fault. What's happened?"


Nightmare grew cross with him. "Just tell me already. You're acting as thought I'm going to kill you when I hear what you have to say."

"You might..."

Nightmare snarled. "Just say it already!"

"... Killer is dead..."

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