3 - Nicknames

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Jackie and I unpack our stuff and then I go to the bathroom and on my way back I see Nathan. "Hey Nathan." I say.

"Hey Claire." He says. "Do you know how to play the guitar by chance? I'm trying to learn this new song but I can't get the hang of it."

"Yeah actually I do." I say. Nathan and I go to his room and I start playing the guitar. I help Nathan out. My dad taught me how to play. I miss him a lot. I start singing while I play.

"Some things in life are meant to fly. And others, they were born to run. You can't tie them up and leavin'. Like the changing of the seasons. Good things, they come and then they go." I sing and play. Then I see Cole standing in the doorframe smiling a little.

"I don't know you could sing. Or play guitar." Cole says.

"You don't know a lot about me, Cole Walter." I say, smiling a little. He smirks and walks out.

"Claire, that was awesome. Who taught you that?" Nathan asks.

"My dad did. We would play together." I say. Nathan nods. "See ya later Nathan, I gotta go, but keep practicing until you get it because I want to hear it." I say, walking back to my room.

"Hey Claire, we were just about to have dinner are you hungry?" Katherine asks.

"No thank you." I say. "I'm not really hungry."

"Okay that's fine. Just let me know if you change your mind." Katherine says, leaving.

That night, I go sit on the porch around ten o clock, and take in the nice country smells. I hear the door open and I see Cole holding a plate of food. "Brought you some." He says.

"Thanks." I say. Cole sits next to me.

"You like the quiet too?" Cole asks.

"Sure do. I couldn't stand the city." I say. I take a small bite of my burger. Cole and I sit in a comfortable silence.

"So, what else don't I know about you?" Cole asks. "Besides that you can play the guitar." He says, laughing a little.

"Well, I've always wanted to ride horses." I say.

"Maybe I can teach you someday." Cole says. I smile a little at him.

"What about you? What should I know?" I ask.

"Well, I can ride horses, I'm a junior, and I used to play football." Cole says.

"Oh well I'm a junior too." I say.

"Wait do you have your schedule yet or no?" Cole asks.

"Sure do." I say. I show it to him on my phone.

"Well Miss Howard, you and I have all but 2 classes together." Cole says.

"Don't call me Miss Howard. I feel like my mom when people call me that." I say.

"Oh sorry that's my bad." Cole says. "What about umm, Claire Bear?" He asks.

"Clay." I say. "That's what my friends would call me to shorten Claire."

"What? Why not Claire Bear?" Cole asks, obviously just messing with me.

"Because it sounds stupid you idiot." I say, laughing a little. "What about you?"

"I'm just Cole." He says.

"Why not Coca Cole-a?" I ask. Cole starts laughing.

"Ok Claire Bear, whatever you say." Cole says. We both laugh.

"Alright Coca Cole-a." I say. We both laugh again. "Alright, well imma head inside to sleep."

"Yeah, big day tomorrow." Cole says, opening the door for me.

Cole walks me to my room. "Goodnight Claire Bear." He says. I smile and laugh.

"Sweet dreams Coca Cole-a." I say, still smiling. Cole laughs and walks to his room.

The Cole Effect - Cole WalterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz