**Ch 1: The Unveiling Shadows**

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Seoul's vibrant lights painted the night sky as Hybe Labels hosted a dazzling company party. Celebrities and industry elites gathered, their laughter creating a harmonious symphony with the subtle hum of excitement. The opulent venue sparkled with crystal chandeliers, and the air was infused with an intoxicating blend of success and anticipation. Amidst this glittering backdrop, the members of BTS, along with their entourage, reveled in the celebration, blissfully unaware of the storm that loomed on the horizon.

As the night unfolded, each member found themselves engrossed in conversations with industry peers and fellow artists. Jin, the eldest, exchanged pleasantries with veteran musicians, his charming smile masking a sense of wariness. Jungkook and Jimin, the energetic duo, navigated through the crowd with a youthful exuberance, capturing the attention of many admirers.

Meanwhile, J-Hope and V engaged in conversations with producers and collaborators, their discerning eyes absorbing the intricate details of the industry landscape. Suga, true to his introverted nature, found solace in a quieter corner, immersed in observing the ebb and flow of the event.

The atmosphere shifted abruptly as the echoing click of stiletto heels cut through the festive ambiance.

All eyes turned toward the entrance, where a unknown woman, made a grand entrance

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All eyes turned toward the entrance, where a unknown woman, made a grand entrance.

Dressed in a sleek black gown that accentuated her golden-brown skin, she exuded an air of authority that demanded attention

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Dressed in a sleek black gown that accentuated her golden-brown skin, she exuded an air of authority that demanded attention. The room hushed in anticipation.
Her gaze, an amalgamation of confidence and calculation, swept across the crowd before she took hold of the microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen, the winds of change are upon us. I, Nancy Singh, am your new CEO," she proclaimed, her voice carrying a subtle but powerful command.

The announcement sent ripples through the gathering, leaving the audience in stunned silence. Nancy continued, "Hybe Labels is poised for a new era of success. You will witness a transformation beyond your imagination." Her words lingered, carrying an undertone of ambition and a veiled promise of change.

BTS members exchanged puzzled glances, feeling an unspoken tension in the air. Jin, ever the diplomat, raised an eyebrow. "Change is inevitable in this industry. Let's embrace it."

J-Hope attempted to lighten the mood, "Well, isn't this a surprise! A grand entrance for a grand CEO!"

Nancy's lips curved into a wry smile as she acknowledged J-Hope's comment. "Indeed, Mr. Jung, I believe in making a statement." Her eyes, however, never left Yoongi.

As the applause settled, Nancy's gaze focused on Yoongi. "Min Yoongi, I've heard much about your talent and determination. Our collaboration will lead us to unprecedented heights," she declared, a glint of calculation in her golden-brown eyes.

Yoongi's expression tightened, a mixture of skepticism and discomfort evident on his face. Nancy's approach raised eyebrows among the members, and an unspoken unease settled among them. They exchanged concerned glances, sensing an undercurrent that eluded their understanding.

As the night unfolded, Nancy approached the BTS members with a calculated charm. "Gentlemen, the future is bright for Hybe Labels. I expect nothing less than excellence from each of you," she stated, her words carrying an air of expectation.

Jimin, with his usual charm, responded, "We're ready for anything, Ms. Singh! Let's make this journey unforgettable!"

V, the enigmatic member, observed silently, his gaze betraying a sense of cautious curiosity. Meanwhile, Jungkook exchanged a wary look with Jimin, sensing an undercurrent that eluded their understanding.

The party continued, pulsating with energy, yet the shadows cast by Nancy Singh's entrance lingered. Each member of BTS carried a sense of unease, their conversations tinged with undertones of uncertainty. Little did they know, this night marked the beginning of a journey into the intricate web of love, revenge, and ambition in the world of K-pop.

Author pov
Hello yoonies this is your author nim thank u so much for reading pls tell me how was it and will make longer ch .
Love u bye take care ❤💜

the revenge she seeks Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora