Step 28

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Darrian p.o.v

Reluctant to respond to J.T. I couldn't give him an honest answer today, even though I knew he deserved one.

"Me and D kissed." I said blankly

"You what?" He asked shocked

"We kissed, but it meant nothing. Okay, it was in the heat of the moment, and DD initiated it."

"Man, what the fuck, Darrian I thought you didn't like him anymore."

"J.T. I didn't know he would do it I promise"

"You know what? It's cool. I'm not even mad. I knew he would try something behind my back sooner or later."

"Man, fuck are you talking about nigga? You ain't my mans. I don't owe you no loyalty," DD shouted.

"Please stop you guys, please," I said, trying to calm both parties down.

"I'll go Darrian, Cornelia is down in the car but call me if you need anything" J.T. Said and left the hospital room also giving DD a deathly glare

"The fuck you tell that nigga that for?" D asked

"D, what do you want me to say?" Oh yeah, J.T. I love you, but I sent your mom to federal prison because my baby daddy owes her money and can't afford to pay her back."

"You the one that threw my product away, remember?"

"Well, you weren't supposed to be selling that shit anyway, remember?"

"Whoa, whoa, what's going on in here?" You two just received one of the greatest gifts on the planet, and now you're fighting each other? Mercedes says as she walks inside the room.

"Mercedes I'm sorry you had to walk into that; we're just having a disagreement right now." I apologized.

"Where is Ashland, and what's happening?" Mercedes asked

"He is in an incubator right now, he's having difficulty breathing on his own."

"Oh no, friend, I'm sorry to hear that. Come here," she said, coming over to hug me.

"Darrian, we need to move past this; as much as I hate to admit it, your friend is right baby," DD says. "

We were interrupted by a knock at the door. I thought it might be J.T. But this time, it was a nurse.

"Hello Mr.Jimenez I just wanted to tell you Ashland is doing better; he's not quite on his own, but he's almost there. You're welcome to go and see him, but it's for parents only."

"Yes, please take me to him," I plead.

I leaped from the bed, and D and I followed the nurse down the hall, scared but delighted that I finally got to see my baby boy. She slid her key card in and opened the door to the room.

"I'll leave you guys alone with him," she said as she left the room.

I made my way to Ashland, and surprisingly, he was awake. I instantly smiled at his beautiful face. He looks just like DD, and his hair is just like his too.

"Look at our little man," DD said proudly.

"You know, we might be dysfunctional, but we make some pretty babies," I said to D.

"Yeah, maybe we should make one more," DD said, gripping my ass tightly.

"Stop D, not in front of an Ashland."

"What? He doesn't even know what's going on; he's not even a day old. I think it's important for him to see his parents be loving towards each other."

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