Kiss of Death

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An affluent couple, who's hands held mastery over any musical instrument, weaving notes of pure bliss like a seamstress of melodies. And who's voices had been touched by heavenly tones, were blessed with seven beautiful children.

The first of them was Scarlet, followed by Sable, Zircon, Ivory, Kunzite, Sienna and Indigo. Each one born a year after the other. Their mere presences brought delight to their parents and their beauteous prepossession was matched only by the harmonic voices they were born with.

For a time, not one of them knew the word hardship. The eminent family were a picture of perfection. Each child had a unique and defining personality. Scarlet, was the second mum of the house. Being the eldest, much responsibilities rested upon her shoulders, as she would often look after her younger siblings whilst their parents would be on tour performing. Her strong willed and fiery temper was a perfect match for her red hair, the same colour as a scarlet sunset that paints the sky with it's magnificent hues.

Sable, the second born. He was one of beguiling beauty and bewitching charm. Effortlessly blinding those around him, to his manipulative and perfidious nature. His sharp comments, often disregarded as endearing sarcasm. This cold and calculating young boy knew how to imitate emotions and react when needed, sheathing his true intentions like a hidden blade. Appearing largely indifferent, he seems to have a genuine soft spot for Indigo. His slick, jet-black hair and charcoal-grey wolf eyes are all but unforgettable.

The third of them was Zircon. Equally as detached and guileful as his brother Sable. Reclusive and disinterested in life itself, he often vanishes from family gatherings and functions. Fear and hesitation are two afflictions that have never touched him for there hasn't been a single being nor thing that have ever caused his heart to race in fright. A stoic young boy of action. His two loves in the world are cleanliness and nature. Often, he would be seen rewashing things that Scarlet had already cleaned and he has an endless supply of white gloves to keep his hands spotless. Though they are siblings, Sable is indeed wary of Zircon.

The fourth was Ivory. The cheery glue of the group. If ever there was a dispute, or if one of them were sad, then Ivory was the one to go too. Her warm voice and perpetual smile would tame even the wildest of beasts. She was the queen of empathy, so caring, so loving. Fire itself would refuse to burn her. She always had an optimistic innocence about her. With kind eyes as stunning as pearls and snow-white hair that glinted silver, her majestic beauty was known throughout the land.

The fifth was Kunzite. A scowling, pouty pretty-boy who often got his way. Young women would often joke about waiting for him to grow up so they could marry him. Others would jest of how they would kidnap him if they ever got the chance. Though behind their whimsical laughter was an ounce of truth, for the heart often confesses it's desire through many mediums. Older women, taken by his looks, would pinch his cheeks whilst making a high pitched squealing of excitement. Meanwhile his moody face would glare and glower, making the women swoon even more. Kunzite has always had a passion for fashion, modelling and all things jewellery. He would often discuss the latest clothing trends and practice his runway catwalk with Ivory, who also wanted to become a model. Although he comes across as rude and intensely self-centred, he has a deep unwavering love for his siblings and wouldn't hesitate to lay down his life for them. His rosè hair and eyes truly reflect, that he is a delicate and kind boy deep down.

The sixth of them was Sienna, the puppy-eyed cry baby of the group. She has an everlasting expression that looks as though she is seconds away from bawling. Her siblings would tease that even a gentle breeze could send her into hysterics. Although, no warm blooded human could ever turn their nose up at such a sweet, innocent and beautiful girl. Though prissy, dainty and delicate as a petal, this princess of a girl would transform into a peerless warrior if she has to protect her loved ones. Yes, within this helpless girl beats the heart of a lion! She enjoys fairytales and spends most of her time with Indigo; whom is protective over her despite being her junior. Her amber eyes and paprika-orange hair are as calming as a fireplace.

Finally, Indigo, the youngest of the seven siblings. Her personality is like a citrus fruit, sweet and tantalising in one season, then sour and coarse in the other. The latter of which, would become dominant over the former as she grew. Rebellion was her trademark and conformity was her prison. Her rude, edgy demeanour would often get her into trouble she can't handle; Sable and Scarlet would oft come to her rescue. However if she was to be approached at the right time, people would describe her as a drop of the purest honey. She was among those oblivious to Sable's true nature and looked up to him. She never understood why she seemed to have his favour but didn't question it. Whereas she found Scarlet bossy and entitled. Frequently saying that being the eldest doesn't mean she's the boss or knows best. The two were like night and day, cat and mouse, stuck in a constant loop of incessant bickering. Though she looked up to Sable, she was closest to Sienna, Ivory and Kunzite. Verily, Indigo was as polarising and captivating as her amethyst hair, lilac eyes and ultramarine lips and tongue.

Despite the chaotic cluster of eccentric personalities, they were as harmonious as their voices. However, it always felt as if someone was missing... watching from a distance. And eighth sibling perhaps?

One evening, when a blanketed tranquility had descended upon the night, the seven siblings had headed to bed. "Ugh, I don't wanna hear stories about silly fairies!" Indigo groaned.

"Ahaha, for a seven year old, you sure are mature!" her mother chuckled.

"Goodnight, our sweet Indigo" both parents said, kissing her on the forehead.

"Goodnight..." Indigo murmured as she buried her head into her pillow; too shy to show she still enjoyed goodnight kisses. Her mother blew her a kiss, before switching off her light and closing the door.

The pita-pata lullaby of rain, tapped on her ceiling. She turned her head with a reclining sigh, enjoying nature's hospitable ambiance, whilst watching the precipitation paint her window. Within moments, she had drifted off to the pleasant world of dreams.

Their parents visited each bedroom of their children, wishing them goodnight. Until they got to Scarlet's bedroom.

'Knock, knock!' "Scarlet honey!? Are you awake?" the mother asked, after knocking on her door.

"She must've dozed off, she is a hardworking girl." the father deduced with a proud smile.

"You're right, but still. The others all got their goodnight kisses, I know she wouldn't want to be left out haha." the mother giggled cutely.

"Alright honey." the father agreed.

The two ever so gently opened the door, and crept like cautious deers, towards Scarlet's bed. There she lay, fast asleep without a care in the world.

"I don't know which one I prefer more, when they're awake or asleep." the father joked.

"I know! They're just so cute like this." the mother whispered, stroking Scarlet's head, before leaning in to kiss it.

In that moment Scarlet suddenly opened her eyes...


A heart wrenching, bone chilling shriek of terror, ripped Indigo from her sleep. Immediately! A stampede of footsteps careered towards Scarlet's bedroom.

"MOTHER....!? FATHER...!?" Indigo wept!

"W-WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" Kunzite erupted.

The blood spattered walls, the trembling, traumatised Scarlet on her bed and two butchered bodies laying lifeless on the ground, scarred the children's sight!

A howling wind invaded the room through the shattered windows whilst the curtains flailed aggressively.

"I... I think I killed them... I killed our parents!" Scarlet wailed in dismay as a crack of lightning illuminated the room!

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