New Journey

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¨So Brick, let me explain this to you, since you fucked it up, we have no other choice than this, you need to get Blossom back and we are getting tired of this, so honestly this is the last choice we will give you.¨-said the voices

¨Look its not so simple okay, you expect me to just go around act naturally normal and speak to Blossom like we hadn't went through a lot of stuff?.¨-said Brick annoyed

¨ Well you didnt think this was hard before when you fucked it up.¨said the voices

¨Yes, yes I know okay?, fucked it up okay got it, look im not gonna fuck it up now, what do I have to do now?.¨-said Brick

¨You will have to go back where you where exactly this time as yourself, but if you ever come across yourself from the past everything is done, could you please be responsible with that?¨-said the voices annoyed

¨Okay okay but at least don't you need to get me a disguise or something?¨-said Brick confused

¨.....You really don't know who we are?, we are the ones who gave you the disguise that you fucked up.¨-said the voices

¨....Oh..well that makes sense why you are treating me like a jerk.¨said Brick angry

¨....Could you blame us?...¨said the voices

¨...No..but still why can't I see you?.¨said Brick confused

¨Well since you fucked everything up before, we had to come up with an idea that we could still communicate with you and Dexter helped with that.¨said the voices

¨.....I still don't like that two-eye glasses dork.¨said Brick 

¨That two eye glasses dork is giving you a chance to correct the messes you made.¨ said the voices

¨.....Fair point, so what do I have to do?.¨said Brick

¨Dexter discovered a way to make this more easy and clear for you, you are gonna time travel to the time where it was the party, the one that you were with Bell.¨said the voices

¨....Oh you mean that...oh time...¨said Brick

¨Yes its the only way this can work, if you fucked this up there is no other way now, we put luck in you, the rest is up to you.¨said the voices

And with that Brick ended up alone, in a dark mysterious view, he saw a tiny little light from where he was, he felt curious and he wanted to go there, which he did, by entering the light, he was going all over dizzy to all places, he was watching part of his own life til this point, and then when he least expected it , he appeared in Townsville, the city that he knew, that was when he became clear into his own thoughts, this was his chance to not blow it up again, this was serious and he was gonna make it cool.

¨Okay Brick time to not fuck this again, you need to focus you need to pay attention.¨said Brick to himself but he was not considering the fact, that three girls were fighting monsters all over and they were near him, in fact very close.

¨Uhmm excuse me citizen of Townsville...we are looking for...¨said a yellow haired girl with pigtails soft as little pandas

¨AH AH UH NO NO NO IDEA WHAT YOU LOOKING FOR GIRL, IM LOOKING FOR MY....MY PET...RAMCHESK ON THE FLOOR DONT BOTHER ME!¨said Brick trying to cover himself so the girls could not see him

¨Leave it up Bubbles, that man has serious problems and we are not going to help him.¨said Buttercup

¨Oh well...too bad, sorry mister sir, I hope you found Ramchesk¨said Bubbles leaving off with Buttercup

But just when Brick thought he was safe, a ginger haired girl sat down on a bench next to where Brick was.

¨Why do I have to such a stupid person?, clearly he is my nemesis, he doesn't think of me in that way, that's why he has Bell, besides why would he like me he is rude to me all the time, there is no chance.¨said the ginger haired girl

Brick couldn't help but hear everything the girl was saying, he wanted to think it was Blossom, everything about her looked like her, but still he couldn't put in risk what Dexter said, he wanted to leave from there but then he saw the ginger haired girl entering a coffee store, that's when he heard a voice in his head that said  ¨Do not let her enter that coffee store, no matter what.¨

¨What the fu....¨just when Brick was wondering what the hell was happening in his head by hearing those voices he saw the ginger haired girl entering the coffee store, he didnt knew it was Blossom but it was worth the shot, Brick ran all over to the girl and then he shouted very loud saying no and jumping next to her.¨

¨NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO¨said Brick jumping and fallen all over the girl

¨Hey!, what's your problem?!, you can't just walk around people like that with no sudden realization of.....Brick?¨said the girl surprised

¨Yes yes I know Im a lame-ass, you hate me, but look you may not recognize me but, did you just say my name?¨said Brick confused

¨....Well look like are Brick, were at the party, what are you doing here?...¨said the girl confused

¨Blossom!, its you! its really you! oh my god I have been searching for you all over, look im really sorry I never wanted to ¨ but just when he was saying that, he forgot in what time he was and who was he talking to, he needed to calm down

¨Umm yeah uhmmm... the party was I decided to know uh....leave cool yeah..¨ said Brick

¨....But what about Bell.?¨said Blossom confused

¨Uh eh well she had diarrhea so she went home...and I went back to..¨ said Brick

¨.....Were you spying on me..? ¨said Blossom annoyed

¨ YES, no no well no, I was uhm¨said Brick nervous

¨Look you just made a mess early so Im just gonna go and ...¨said Blossom

¨NO WAIT, just wait look im serious, I really want to go back....and talk to you...¨said Brick

¨Talk to me about what....?¨said Blossom annoyed

¨.......You like sweets?¨said Brick nervous

¨ I WHAT....?¨said Blossom getting more confused

¨Look I promise this will make sense later but just for now, you need to come with me, to any place just not here, something about this place doesn't really seem to me.¨said Brick

¨.....Okay you are scaring me....but okay....where exactly are we going?...¨said Blossom

¨...You'll see..¨said Brick taking Blossom hand and getting away

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