season 2 episode 8
———"THANK YOU." Selene thanked the waitress who placed a plant full of blueberry pancakes in front of her, Selene beamed as she happily dug into them.
Currently, the three of them were on their way to the next case that Sam found, but they all got hungry and stopped to get something to eat. Selene sat next to Sam and across from Dean, Dean was eating away a burger and Sam wasn't bothered with food as he had his nose practically stuck in his laptop.
Selene took a mouthful of the blueberry pancakes and hummed at the delicious flavours melting into her tastebuds. Dean reached forward and took some of it off her plate, when he sees how good he is, him and Selene share a knowing look as she says, "Good, isn't it?" Dean hummed in agreement.
Selene didn't mind sharing, she actually put some on a fork and handed it over to Sam. He declined it at first, but Selene insisted he at least eat something—so Sam accepted it and found it very pleasant.
"So much for our low profiles. Dean, you got a warrant in St. Louis and now you're officially in the Feds' database." Sam tells him as he looks over his screen.
Dean proudly smirks as he states, "I'm like Dillinger or something."
Selene shakes her head, "This is serious, Dean."
Sam nods his head in agreement, "She's right, it makes the job harder. We gotta be more careful now." Sam tells them as he mindlessly takes a fork and as another bite of her food, Selene didn't care. She's gotten used to sharing about everything with these boys, and they've gotten used to sharing with her. Selene was currently even wearing on of Sam's jackets, because she forget hers in the car.
"You two make an annoying pair." Dean tells them matched with a harmless eye roll, "What do they got on you guys?"
Selene leans more towards Sam's shoulder as she tried to look at his screen, "Lena, you're uh—clean and I'm..." Sam searched for his name in the database, and Selene watches as nothing pops up for him either, "I'm sure they just haven't posed it yet."
"Hit refresh." Selene tells Sam as she reaches over and hits it for him, both of their names are on the screen with nothing. Not a single damn thing about them and their crimes committed. "I broke Sam out, shot a cop and impersonated a lawyer, I think I deserve to be wanted."
Dean grins as he tries to maintain a straight face bringing a hand and placing it over top of hers as he says, "Princess, you are wanted." Selene pushes his hand off, knowing that he was just teasing her. Selene crossed her arms over her chest and huffed out like a child, taking an angry mouthful of her food.
"You guys are just jealous." Dean tells them with a laugh.
"No we're not." Selene and Sam both said in sync, they should be glad that they aren't in the database but they committed crimes too. They should be in there.
Dean laughs at them and shakes his head, "Alright, sure. What do you have on the case there you innocent, harmless, young man?"
Sam closes his laptop as he pushes it to the side and grabs the newspaper from under it. Sam reads off it it, "Architect Sean Boyden plummeted to his death from the roof of his home condominium he designed. He called animal control two days earlier saying he saw a vicious, wild black god. The authorities couldn't find it and no one else saw it. The authorities are confused about how a wild black dog could get past the doorman, take the elevator and roam the halls of the cushiest joint in town. Two days later, he took a swan dive."
Selene questions, "So wait, we're dealing with an actual black dog?"
Sam shrugs his shoulders, "Well, maybe."
"What's the lore on it?" Dean asked.
"It's vague," Sam responded as he pulled information from his brain, "There are spectral black dogs all over the world but some say they're animal spirits, other say death omens. But anyway, whatever they are, they're big and nasty."
"My favourite kind." Selene chuckles, and Dean squints his eyes at her as he realizes the meaning of her comment. She just smirks at him as she gathers her things, "Come on, no time to waste."
They had met with Sean Boyden partner, which is how they gathered some information that ten years ago Sean was only just a bartender at some local bar on the outside of town, Lloyd Bar or something along those lines. Then became a genius seemingly overnight and climbed up so high on the chain and was a sensation. It brought some red flags for all of them.
Now, Selene and Sam were sitting in the Impala while they waited for Dean, who was inside the Animal Protection Agency. Attempting to get names of anyone else who might reported seeing a black dog, it was a start.
Selene sat in her usual spot in the backseat, her head resting out the window as she allowed the casual breeze to kiss her skin and play with her hair. Selene stared up at the sky, it was slightly cloudy, casting a sort of grey tone over the earth but Selene preferred it to the sunshine.
What Selene wasn't paying attention to, was Sam who sat in the passenger seat and was examining Selene through the mirror. The way they were both resting, he could see her clearly, her expression remain unreadable but Sam didn't need to read her expression. It was like he could feel the fog clouding inside her mind, just like the weather today.
"Hey," Sam started, catching Selene's attention as she dropped her stare down into the mirror. They weren't looking directly at each other but they practically were through the mirror, "How you doing?"
The question felt like a loaded gun, it scared her and felt like she was being forced to talk about things she didn't want to talk about. But there was no gun, so she didn't have to unload all those feelings once again.
"I'm fine." Selene lied through her perfect teeth, and tried to give Sam a thin lipped smile as a sign of reassurance. This has worked on Dean many times, the little lips and casually words, but with Sam he saw through the mask almost as if there was no mask to begin with.
"Y'know," Sam turned around in his seat so that now they really were facing each other. Selene didn't move, only tilted her head down a bit to look at him clearly as he spoke, "You don't have to pretend, we know you're not okay."
Selene sighed and sat up straighter to be at eye level with Sam. Of course she wasn't okay, they don't even understand the full extent as to why—and she couldn't really openly tell them that she failed to bring her brother back from the dead.
Which only was her entire life goal and now it just feels like she's floating in a vast ocean, sometimes the water is calm and those are the moments where she feels like she can breathe and function and then other times—the waves start to push her underwater. The waves get so high, she can't even come up for air, her lungs burn and it feels like all she can do is sink. Sink so deep she's lost in the deepest parts of the ocean all lost, scared and wishing the sweet release of death.