Chapter 17

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I was woken up by people chatting more like whispering and ke you know me the curious cat I tiptoed to the kitchen and I saw my granny with my mom.

" Uzomutshela nini Ntombi?" My grandmother said

" Ma angikwazi ukumtshele ngiqala Kuphi ukumtshele. Ma she is still a child, my baby. Why did they even chose her , why must she get married to someone she doesn't even know or love ?"

" Ntombi wenza ngathi uHlelo uzogana ekhehla. She already knows the person who she is supposed to marry ukuthi akazi ukuthi kumele ashade and wena you saw the birth mark angithi?"

" Ma I saw it "

I can't believe what my ears are hearing. Mina nomshado kanjani ?

" Ma uthini?" I didn't mean to let myself in their conversation but I can't believe what I heard.

" Hlelo?" My mom said

" Mama , Gogo kwezakalani? "

" ( Nervously laughing) hayi mntanami it was just an imagination of you getting married it's not true. " My mom said

" Ntombi yekela ukuqamba amanga. Hlelo hamba uyogeza bese uyabuya sizohlala phansi njengabantu abaneqondo. We will explain everything when you come back. " Gogo said

" Yebo gogo. "

Why did my mom just lie to me ? Does it mean I am going to shipped off to someone. I wanted to ask my mom and grandma about it but I guess I have to wait before I am told what is going on.

I hurriedly took a bath using the extra toiletries that my grandmother keeps for her guests since I didn't have my own. When I was done I went to my old bedroom outside the house and I found it exactly as I left it except for the duvet covers. My bed was covered in a blue with white flowers duvet as well as the pillows. My favorite teddy bear was laying in the middle of the pillows. I used to love my teddy bear,it was my friend, I used to confide in it, share my thoughts and everything with it until it was used against me. Teddy used to become a living thing at night, it would act like a human being more like a devil towards me and I would just forget everything in the morning. The only thing that I would feel is the sharp pain in my abdomen area. The pain was intensive and no doctor knew how to heal it. It was ugogo who realized that I was sleeping with utikoloshi ( creature) and she realized it after a while it had been going on.

" Ucabangani ?" Gogo said

" Gogo?" I asked.

" Hlelo I have been standing her for a while now and you couldn't feel my presence instead you were looking at uteddy. "

" Eish gogo ukuthi I remembered the things I went through in this bedroom with the teddy bear and my heart is stuck between a rock and a hard place. I loved my teddy bear and I think I still love it. I want to carry it but I am scared, I scared that it haunt me again. "

" Mntanami I knew how much you love your teddy bear hence I bought you a new teddy bear. I burnt the last one and no one will ever bewitch you again ngikhona. "

" Ngiyabonga gogo. "

"Finish up your clothes are in my room ukuthi ubufunani la awazi. " .

" I thought zila but ashambe but before, gogo what is going on ? "

"Finish up and you will know. "

My parents can't even answer me. Yazi I thought ugogo would tell me but I guess I was wrong. I went back to main house and went to my grandmother's perfect room to look for my clothes. On her bed I found my black tight fit dress that my grandmother bought for me. I was supposed to fetch it last year but I couldn't come. As soon as I was done I went to the dinning room. And when I got there, I found my uncle, my so called ' rich cousins ' with their parents. ( My aunt and her husband)

I greeted everyone in the room and I guess the only people who were happy to see me is my uncle and my favorite cousin ( Lindo ). The rest were quiet and I for one don't really care. I went to sit next to my granny and my mom brought breakfast. I saw that she is tired and was crying.

"Ma can I help you ?" I asked since I am the only one who sees that my mom is tired.

" ( Clapping hands) kanti unezandla wow kushukuthi ujesu uyabuya. Futhi nifunani la why ninga hambi ngoba asinidingi. " My aunt said

That woman has always had an agenda against me angazi why it's like I am intimidating her.

" Askies ngathi angikuzwanga mamncane ?"

"  Hee iyadelela lento... "

" Shut up Sphelele. I called my children to come and unesibidi sokwenza ngathi you were here for me ngoba I was alone instead yena usis wakho was always calling me to make sure that I am okay. You see the food that you are about to eat, it was bought by her. Ingane yam is not your slave ukuthi ushadile lokho akusholutho lakwam. Hlelo nawe Ntombinkulu hlalani phansi umrs uzoletha ukudla and wena ungalinge wenze lento uyicabangayo. "

It is my first time seeing my aunt having nothing to say. She stood up very angry not missing her stare and brought food for her husband and kids. My mom had already brought food for my grandmother, uncle and myself. We had toasted bread with eggs and sausages. While we were eating my aunt decided to be a drama queen and claim that whoever who cooked , cooked rubbish kanti she didn't ask who my grandmother is. My grandmother took her plate and gave to my uncle and yoh ugirl was beyond shocked. She then shared her plate with her husband and we all laughed at her.

After eating my grandmother called us to the lounge as a whole except for her son in law.

" Mthethwa" she called out

" Ndabezitha" we replied

" Zingane zami I called you here ngoba isikhathi sesifikile. Ntombi , Sphelele nawe Ayanda ( Ayanda is my uncle's name) niyakhumbula ukuthi ugogo wenu wayetheni ?"

" Yebo ma " they replied

" Well unfortunately usefikile. Hlelo mntanami we knew about you way before you were born, way before your mother thought of having you. Your great grandmother was a seer and it was one of those moments that scared me. So a revelation was revealed. Ukhokho wakho told us that one of us will follow in her shoes but her journey will be different. Whoever who will be like her will have amandla ase manzini nawezulu however that person would not be able to control the powers on her own. That person will have to marry from the royal family in order to be protected and to protect the royal family. "

" Manje gogo do you know who is the chosen. " I asked

" You , Hlelolwenkosi are the chosen one to marry in the Zulu kingdom "

" What? " My aunt and I shouted.

To be continued

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