Season 3: Back to School

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[We cut to flashbacks to King's Tide once again and we see shots from the airship, the fight with Belos, and getting launched by King. Heavy breathing is heard as an alarm echoes. It then cuts to Y/n waking up from having the same bad dream again.]

Y/n: [He gasps for air as he wakes up from his alarm. He looks at his alarm.] Fuck off! [In a fit of rage, he grabs his alarm and throws it at the wall, breaking it into pieces. He was about to go back to bed but then realized.] Shit... School... ugh!

[The camera shows Y/n on his bed groaning as the intro begins to play.]

[We cut to the kitchen where Y/n is dressed for school.]

Mom: Hi sweetie! how was your sleep?

Y/n: It was... fine...

Mom: Good good, now I made you some breakfast, here.

Y/n: Thanks, mom... but I'm not that hungry.

[Y/n's mom notices that Y/n sounds more tired.]

Mom: Are you sure you're ok? 

Y/n: Y-Yeah, don't worry about me...

Mom: hm... okay, well you at least have to eat a little bit.

Y/n: Okay.

Mom: Good, now hurry up. Wouldn't want you to be late for your first day back.

[Y/n's mom goes out of frame as the camera slowly zooms in on Y/n who sighs. It then cuts to him at his front door, putting on his shoes until he hears his mom again from the living room.]

Mom: You got your contacts on?

Y/n: [Wearing black contacts to hide the fact his eyes are green yells out to her from the front door.] Yeah.

[Y/n steps on foot out the door until his mom calls out again.]

Mom: Oh and make sure to have a jacket and an umbrella! It says it will probably rain later today.

Y/n: ... Alright fine.

[He goes back into his room and grabs a grey windbreaker. He also grabs a folding umbrella and puts it in his bag. He closes his door on his way back down.]

[We cut to Y/n walking up to Luz's house. Luz then notices Y/n and waves at him.]

Luz: Hey, Y/n. Guess it's back to ol' reality huh?

Y/n: Yeah... It's going to be weird not having the lockers try and eat us.

Luz: [Makes her hands into claws.] Or weird creatures roaming around.

Y/n: Not to mention the weird students. [He playful nudges Luz's shoulder.]

Luz: And one of those weird students having a weird bodyguard. [She nudges him back.]

[They stand next to each other and laugh. But after a couple of seconds, they sigh in unison.]

Y/n and Luz: [In unison.] I miss the Boiling Isles...

[The Bus drives into the frame as Luz and Y/n head in. It then transitions the location to their school with the same bus leaving the frame.]


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