About some domesticated dragons

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Realising the bizarre structure of the substances in the barren land. This snow is indeed very unique.

The other day Lusi stumbled upon 2 little Dragons. These were little Dragons, each the size of horses, but he had seen so many Dragons in the past that these little Dragons seemed not to be very large at all. Of course, he never remembered the past, and of what he'd seen. These two little Dragons, they were pure white in colour. Once when he hid from afar, he had gazed upon them, frolicking in the meadows. The grass in the meadow was all very dry and frozen to the ground. And right now, even now, he could still see them flying high into the air, seemingly without a care in the world.

He did not understand why they were still alive in the current world. Perhaps, he thought, they must have been lucky. The pampered coats were the same colour as this general surroundings. Pale, ashy white.

One time Lusi witnessed an interesting exchange between these small dragons and the large dragon in the mountain. It was at the time when the days grew extremely cold and the nights were very dark. Only the moon could shine upon the land and cast what little light it could into the dark forest. Only The dirty snow that had so much ash mixed in could reflect an eerie blue light that could make the sky grow with sinister intentions.


Throughout the days, Lusi had been surviving off berries and root vegetables from the ground. Of course, he was not so lucky to have stumbled upon them himself. These plants were a gift from himself. A gift from his past self to his current self. Lucy glanced down at the green paper packet in his hand. It was square in a fit perfectly in his palm. The edges of the paper had already started wrinkling due to being held.

These were the quick growth kinds of seeds, would plant them down, water them, wait for them to sprout three days later, and wow, you'll have your very own crop field ready to harvest and eat.

These were expensive types of crops.

Lusi had nothing to do other than eat his crops, drink water, and survive everyday, searching for a place to rest once again. His incubation chamber would be outside in the cold. Everyday. During this entire time, he saw no need to hide the chamber. There was nothing, no one, scarce any creature or living human there to bother him with anything.


And one day, when he was at forging, Lusi had met this other person. In the tall grass stood a figure, short yet proud. It was unknown to him whether the figure was human or otherwise. Lusi did not really mind this at all. He was not very intrigued by the occurrence so for a moment, he contemplated on leaving, he'd mind his own business. However, after brief thought, he decided that this may be beneficial to his future goals. 

And so, with mild intentions, See quietly observed the hooded figure from afar. Turned out it was a coward of a mage who had aspirations of slaying the giant dragon that lay in the giant crater. This human made would tremble and fall to the ground even when the giant dragon would stretch its wings to ensure blood circulation. And when the ground would rumble, this little mage would sob, hyperventilate at the smallest movements.

During the day Lusi would see this little mage practising magic in the woods. He saw the mage who was too afraid to attack the dragon; who decided to practise magic in the woods instead. Lusi was often quite impressed by the power level of this mage. Today, the little mage pointed his little magic wand toward the tree. Shouted a sharp command in a different language, and magic flew out of his wand and down went the tree in an instant.


At some point in time, Lusi found himself face to face with the giant dragon that was down at the meteor crater. The weather was cold, but the area around the dragon was extremely, scorchingly hot. Seemed to him that the dragon's heat preservation techniques were not very excellent. And of course, like many others, Lusi found himself extremely afraid. He was rooted to his spot, unable to move an inch. The dragon was a giant old beast, and so it brought its claw into the air, high into the air, and slammed it down on Lusi.

And that was the end of Lusi.

The end.

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