14. Spending time with shidi/shixiong

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When Zhang Wu announced the start of the next stage of practice, Sun Fuyu immediately dashed! He dodged Wu Qingqing and her group, went around Wang Li Wei’s group (now without Wang Li Wei who finally started to practise with the inner sect disciples), and came to a rushed stop in front of Wen Zhihao.

But now he was standing in front of Wen-shixiong, Sun Fuyu’s resolve weakened. Sun Fuyu was scared that Wen-shixiong’s days-long disappearance was because of him. What if Wen-shixiong wanted to avoid him just like everyone else?

“Sun-shidi?” Wen Zhihao prompted, eyeing the others trying to approach them, especially those glaring at the nervous disciple in front of him. “Speak freely.”

“Wen-shixiong….can we practice together?”

Wen Zhihao’s lips quirked up in amusement. “Do you really want to? You will defeat me, I’m sure.”

Sun Fuyu frowned, looking extremely cute. “Wen-shixiong is strong!”

“Alright,” Wen Zhihao decided to indulge him. Even though he wanted to coax Sun Fuyu to make friends his own age, he had the sneaking suspicion that he didn’t have friends.

“Sun Fuyu! Why did you run all the way here?” Wu Qingqing said. “Come, it’s time for our morning duel.”

“Wen Zhihao! You’re not running away this time!” one of Wang Li Wei’s friends said.

Wen Zhihao smiled at these posturing teenagers. “Wow, I never knew Sun-shidi and I were so popular.”

Okay, okay, he shouldn’t tease kids but sometimes he couldn’t help himself.

“WHAT ARE YOU ALL CLUSTERED AROUND HERE FOR?” Zhang Wu shouted, stomping towards them. “I said PARTNERS, not GROUP BATTLES! Scatter! You! Wen Zhihao! Who is your partner?!”

Wen Zhihao patted Sun Fuyu on the shoulder.

“Good,” Zhang Wu said shortly. He glared at the other disciples, forcing them to grudgingly move away.

Wen Zhihao wasn’t so impolite as to throw away his sword practice duel with Sun Fuyu. The two stood a distance apart and began.

Since Sun Fuyu refused to move right away, Wen Zhihao made the first move. His sword swung, slicing silently through the calm air. Sun Fuyu immediately burst into action. He dodged Wen Zhihao and countered. Slash! Clash! Shhhing!

Sun Fuyu’s momentum was extremely good, Wen Zhihao slowly stepped back and back. At this point, Wen Zhihao was just dodging and deflecting Sun Fuyu’s sword. His robes fluttered around him. After an initial burst of fear, Wen Zhihao returned to his calm state. Sun Fuyu wasn’t actually striking him.

“Good, good,” Wen Zhihao said. After all, praising young people was good for them. “I concede.”

Sun Fuyu immediately stopped, eyes wide. “But shixiong…”

“You are much better than me,” Wen Zhihao said truthfully. He could see that Sun Fuyu was controlling the momentum of the duel so that neither of them would get hurt. “You should practice with someone who actually knows what they’re doing.”

“Ah? But then what were you doing before...?” Before, Sun Fuyu had seen that Wen-shixiong’s practice movements were full of dangerous momentum and looked very powerful.

“I was making random moves,” Wen Zhihao laughed. He patted Sun Fuyu on the shoulder. “I’m going to have breakfast now.”

Sun Fuyu looked at him with burning eyes. He didn’t need to say anything, Wen Zhihao knew. Sun Fuyu was surprisingly easy to read.

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