All Coast Clear

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AN: I originally had some part written differently, the end parts of the chapter then when I reviewed them bigla ako nalungkot while reading so I ended up just changing them. Haha fanfic na nga lang gawin pa bang complicated lol!


Asher immediately rinsed herself. She just put on her silk robe and panties and went to the door. It could be PJ who's buzzing in.

She looks at the peep hole and saw Bamboo and he has a bruise in his face near his lips . She got worried.

"Anong nangyari sa labi mo?" Asher immediately asked upon opening the door.

Bamboo was all smiles as he entered her unit. Well who wouldn't be, his Asher is only in her silk robe that just cover half of her beautiful thighs, and seems to be not wearing any bra.
His eyes are feasting that Asher noticed his naughty smile.

She suddenly became conscious of what she's wearing and closed the upper part of the robe with her hands.

" What are you doing here, and what happened to your face? nakipag suntukan kaba?" She said trying to dismiss uncomfortable feeling she's having with the way Bamboo is looking at her.

" I needed to talk to you, and this don't worry about this, referring to his bruised face , I guess I deserve it, besides it's all clear now, your brother and I cleared things out already."

"What? what do you mean? PJ did that? How and when ? Hindi na kayo nag abot kanina ah."

" Well ,I went to talk to him after I left Bash kanina" he said in a serious tone.

Huh? Hold on, let me change and get something to clean that bruise",she said and left for her room.

While Asher is on her room changing, Bamboo felt more relaxed. He's been fighting his urged to kiss her and more, they needed to talk but her looking so beautiful and sexy in her robe makes him loose his concentration earlier.

Bamboo looked around at the now arranged condominium unit. It's simple with an eath color motiff and a minimalist design. He saw what seemed to be a custom made curio where Asher place her collection. He is looking for 3 particular pieces but he didn't see it there. He wonders why? Bakit wala yung binigay nya sa mga naka display duon. PJ told him that Asher have collected quite a number of match box and she used to have her own race car.

When he was talking with PJ earlier, he learned some more things about Asher, but the ones he wanted to find out , hindi nasabi ni PJ. He will not be okay until he finds out about this guy that PJ mention in passing while they were arguing. The guy that Asher was in love with and could possibly be still in love with.
It could be a part of her past already but he can't stop, he is feeling jealous, he wants to have all her heart. Walang kahati sa past.

Asher came back wearing a shorts and white men's t-shirt, with a first aid kit and another white tshirt, well Bamboo suddenly became tense again, now her smooth legs all in display.

"Hoy mister, ang mata mo po kung saan saan nakatingin, hindi ako comfortable sa pajamas kaya ako naka shorts " sabi ni Asher.

Asher asked him to sit on the couch in the living room and she took a stool and sit in front of him. Bamboo's smile is not leaving his face.

Bamboo encircled his arms around her waist while Asher is holding his face and cleaning his bruise with alcohol pads. Then he took a quick kiss on her lips.

"Ouch" why'd you do that for? Bamboo asked when Asher pressed the alcohol pad into his bruise.

"Paano napaka pilyo mo, at ang kamay mo baka kung saan na naman maka rating".Ang sagot ni Asher.

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