𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨

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After a long but exciting drive, they finally make it to Megans beach-house in the Outer Banks. Ava jumps out of the car and looks around in awe. "You really dont know how much i missed it here Meg." as she rushes over to Meg and gives her a big hug, as she receives the hug Megan stumbles back not being able to take the force, this slightly confused Ava as they hug like this all the time but she brushes it off and runs into the house.

Ava runs up to her room, its so much nicer here than at her house. At her house she slept on a mattress with no bed frame and had slight mould growing on her walls so she is always so amazed whenever she stays in her summer room. Looking out the window Ava can see the Camerons house right next to the beach-house, she had gotten a gift for Sarah as she usually does every year. This year it was a hand written card, chocolates and a gold necklace. Ava knew she would like it as she pointed it out when they were shopping last summer but she had never got it so Ava wanted to surprise her.

Ava decides to go over to her house to meet her as they haven't seen eachother in months so she grabs her present and rushes downstairs. "You seem to be in a rush" Megan says, chuckling slightly. "Is it okay if i head over to Sarahs for a bit I got her a gift." "Of course dear, and i was thinking to celebrate your first night back, we could have a movie night and ill make some salmon, your favourite!" Ava smiles, "That would be great" as she walks out and cycles over to the Camerons house to meet her best friend.

As she arrives at Sarahs house she walks up the driveway and knocks at the door. It takes a few seconds until someone answers. Ava is silently standing waiting for Sarah to awnser with a big smile on her face, but that smile slowly drops as the door opens. Rafe had answered the door. They both stare at eachother, the tension built up fast, they were both frozen, Ava's heart pounds fast, faster than it has ever done. "Hi" Rafe says silently. Ava looks up at him "Hey" "What do you want" As he says this, Ava spots Sarah in the back, scrolling on her phone. Ava quickly runs past Rafe and gives her a big hug. "Sarah I missed you so much you have no idea." This whole surprise shocks Sarah and it takes her a second to process before he tightly hugs her back, "Ave! I didnt know you were coming back today oh my god!" As their both hugging, Ava spots Rafe in the corner of her eye, staring at them. He quickly realises Ava spotting him and turns away and walks upstairs.

"I know what were going to do now" Sarah says as shes jumping up and down in excitement. "Surfing!" They both scream at the same time. They text the rest of the pouges and they all walk down to the beach to surf together.

As Ava and Sarah were walking down to the beach they finally meet everyone, Ava spots JJ and rushes over to him, as they hug he lifts her up and spins her around before putting her back down again, "Ava i cant believe youre here!" he shouts. Ava laughs and continues hugging the rest of the group, John B, Pope, Cleo and Kie.

After a good hour of non stop surfing, they all decide to head to the chateau as it was getting dark. They all arrive and sit down and take out some beers. "Here's to having the best summer ever" John B shouts as he raises his beer bottle, everyone else clings there bottles together "to the best summer ever" they shout. Sarah then pulls out her phone seeing she got a text from rafe. She looks so confused, "He never texts me anymore" She opens it and reads it out.

"I'm throwing a party tonight at the house we're inviting everyone so you and your friends can come."

Everyone looks around the room. "I mean a party's a party you know? Id say it will be a good way to celebrate Aves first day back, we can just avoid Rafe yeah?" JJ decides. Everyone looks around again, heads slowly start to nod. "Sounds good" Ava says sitting up. "I'm gonna get ready meet there at nine?" "Are you sure girl" Cleo says while resting her hand on her shoulder. "Yeah, it will be fun!" Ava smiles. They all agree and all go off to get ready

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 | 𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now