After a long flight the Payday gang finally arrives in Puerto Rico. Wolf and Houston drunkenly stumble out of the plane, Dallas and Chains slowly walk out of the plane behind them laughing at how ridiculous both of them look.
Houston: Im fine yall
He says as he accidentally bumps into one of "El Negro's" security guard. The guard doesn't seem to be happy about it. Houston attempts to apologize in extremely broken spanish.
Houston: "Ey perdoona mi hamigo?"
Chains: "Man get the fuck on would ya?"
Chains says as he pushes Houston. Chains then proceeds to apologize to the guard.
Chains: "Hey i'm sorry for my friend here, let's say he took advantage of the open bar in the plane"
The guard doesn't respond to Chains and just looks away from him. Chains walks away whispering to himself.
Chains: "I guess he doesn't speak english"
Still inside the crowded airport, Dallas pulls out his phone from his pocket and calls Bain.
Dallas: "Bain i'm having second thoughts"
Bain: "Why is that?"
Dallas: "You tell me this guy is one of the biggest drug lords on the island and he doesn't have a private hangar?"
Bain: "Well it wouldn't be a private hangar if he were to tell me about it"
Dallas: "Have you been working on your stand-up routine, asshole?"
Bain: "Dallas just relax, you'll see he's legit. He wants to talk to you guy's tomorrow"
Dallas: "Tomorrow?"
Bain: "Yeah he told me he's taking care of some in-gang altercations"
Dallas: "So you're telling me this guy is postponing our reunion because two of his lackey's are being mean to each other?"
Bain: "He got you guy's a penthouse suite in the Sheraton hotel down in San Juan for a few days. You guys go have some fun tonight and get to business tomorrow"
Dallas: "Yeah Wolf and Houston got a head start on the fun part"
Bain: "I knew the open bar was a bad idea"Dallas: "I beg to differ"
Bain: "You guys got an Uber waiting outside, get Wolf and Houston to the hotel for fuck sake"
Dallas: "Alright, I'll call you later"
Dallas hangs up the call and the gang make their way outside where the Uber is waiting for them. The gang hop inside the Uber which was a 1996 Mercury Villager with two rows of backseats. Wolf and Houston sat on the farthest back row while Dallas and Chains sat on the remaining row. The Uber then drove off from the San Juan airport.
During the ride the gang could see the beautiful sights of Puerto Rico. The beaches and the environment were lively and the sun was shining bright.
Chains: "Beautiful isn't it?"
Dallas: "Damn right it is. It's gonna be even more so when that Payday comes in."
Chains: "A couple stacks always makes things look better"
As they are talking, Wolf and Houston begin to drunkenly sing a peculiar song that came on the radio.
Wolf & Houston: "I'm blowin' up like you thought I would. Call the crib, same number, same hood It's all good. And if you don't know, now you know, nigga!!"
Chains turns around in his seat to face them.
Chains: "Hey! I gave Dallas the pass, not you guys"
Dallas: "Leave em alone Chains, They already gave me a headache before we left the plane. Let's just get to the hotel"
The gang finally makes it to the hotel. They make their way upstairs to the penthouse suite. When they open the door to the suite it's massive. Two separate bedrooms, a big living room, and a balcony with a perfect view of the sea. Wolf and Houston call the biggest room in the suite and quickly run towards it stumbling along the way. While Wolf and Houston are inside the room, Chains and Dallas walk in to admire how big the bedroom is.
Chains: "Oh yeah this some big time shit right here"
Dallas: "No kidding, this guy is definitely legit"
Wolf in high spirits due to the excessive amount of alcohol in his body yells out...
Wolf: "Let's go fucking party!"
Houston: "Yeah Spring Break!!"
Chains and Dallas look at each other in disappointment but decide to play along with it.
Dallas: "Yeah lets go!"
As the gang is walking out of the bedroom, Dallas and Chains quickly run out and close the bedroom door leaving Wolf and Houston behind drunkenly knocking on the door. Dallas proceeds to lock the door and puts a chair on the doorknob for good measure.
Dallas: "Drinks on me?"
Chains: "Now you're talking"

Payday - Paid in Paradise
ActionThe Payday gang are a group of notorious heisters who have experience committing high level crimes all across the world. But for the first time in a long time they find themselves in an unfamiliar place, the shinning star of the Caribbean Puerto Ric...