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"Mr.Pawat, you have so many records already! Can't you stop being a troublemaker for once!? "

Ohm was tired of hearing the principals voice.

This was the third time he got called in the guidance office this week.

Nanon lectures him that if he doesn't stop he might get suspended although Ohm still doesn't listen.

"Ai Ohm! You still shouldn't have done that! "

Nanon said after hearing the reason why Ohm beat up some guy.

They got into a small fight.

After that, Ohm tried to not get into trouble, for Nanon.

Though, they still act like their enemies in public.

The students In their campus got confused on why Ohm hasn't been going to the principal office anymore.

Little did they know, that Ohm changed because of his 'enemy'.

Nanon is very special to Ohm and so is Ohm to Nanon.

In private Nanon is always clinging unto Ohm.

Their like a newly wedded couple, but they also refuse when Satang or Winny ask if they like each other.

Might they be lying?

Stay tuned if you want to know.

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