Adeen was locked in her room sound asleep unaware of what was happening outside. Zuko had come looking for her moments before to find the girl sleeping. No matter how much Zuko didn't want to admit it he couldn't wake the sleeping girl. She was in a peaceful state of mind and he couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked when she was asleep. The boy decide he would leave her sleep than make her watch what was about to happen.
Zuko left the ship sitting on top of a rhino with the rest of his troops. "I want the avatar alive!" he shouted as they rode off towards the village. They sat in the centre of the village awaiting the avatar to reveal himself. Before he knew it the Kyoshi warriors attacked knocking men off of their rhinos attempting to protect their village. Two young warriors ran towards Zuko one Amaya fighting to get her sister back and the other Sukki attempting to lead her troops to victory. Zuko shot flames at the two dodging their attacks. Amaya used the fans given to her by Suki to shoot water at the boy. Suki was hit to the ground only leaving Amaya to finish what had been started.
"Where is my sister?!" Amaya shouted throwing countless attacks at the boy never giving up.
"What sister? I haven't been to Kyoshi till now," Zuko shouted back throwing flames at the boy which had been quenched by Amaya's water snakes.
"You captured her from our home in the South pole!" Amaya countered while landing in a fighting stance catching her breath.
Zuko's eyes widened in shock realising that this was Adeen's sister, her twin. Zuko felt like he shouldn't say anything about the girl sleeping in her room on the ship but said it anyway.
"She is sleeping," he answered seeing the girls eyes widen before she attempted to run for the ship. Zuko's rhino spun around knocking the girl towards the same place Suki lay. The avatar arrived using fans to knock Zuko into a wall before leaving Kyoshi Island in flames.
Amaya sat on Appa's saddle staring at her hands glancing towards the fire nation ship that sat in the docks ignoring everything around her. After everyone settled down she spoke up making her three friends look at her.
"I was so close," she muttered.
"To what?" Katara asked placing a hand on her best friends shoulder.
"She was on the ship," Ama mumbled small tears beginning to fall from her face.
"Who? Who was on the ship Ama?" Katara asked once again looking at her friend in worry.
"Addy. My sister was sleeping on the ship the whole time! I could have saved her! We could of gotten her back," Ama sobbed attempting to wipe away the flowing tears.
Aang moved to sit in front of Ama causing her to look up tears still flowing. "Hey," Aang said softly "We will get your sister back if it's the last thing we do," he smiled softly making her nod.
"Hey if it makes you feel any better I think Suki likes me!" Sokka butted in making her break down into sobs again.
"Sokka!" Katara shouted hitting him upside the head.
"Sorry I was just trying to lighten the mood," he mumbled scratching the back of his neck.
Katara glared at him nodding towards Amaya who was wiping her eyes. "Ama come here," Sokka smiled softly pulling her into a hug. She cried softly into his shoulder and once she stopped they just sat for a while in a comfortable silence listening to Katara and Aang plot a rescue mission.
A really short chapter giving a small insight on what Team Avatar are doing and stuff. It feels like a bit of a filler cause I wasn't sure what to write next but now I know what to do cause Zuko set fire to Kyoshi Island. Enjoy! I really want Amaya and Adeen to find each other but that can't happen yet so sad face.

Nations collide
FanfictionTwo twins one fire nation one southern water tribe separated due to their differences and the separation of nations. Adeen was born with the ability to bend fire. She is taken away by Prince Zuko when he arrives at the Southern water tribe during h...