14x15 Peace of Mind Alternate Scene

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A/N: Hi there, I seem to have a thing with episode tags 😂 or in this case writing a complete alternate scene. Jared is fab in this episode. The Mishalecki chaos from the bloopers; perfect.

After having been pushed out the door by so-called Justin Smith alias Sam married to someone who looked like Jessica Moore, Cas had no other choice then to go get the older Winchester brother. He knew Dean would be either be pissed at him for not protecting his brother or pissed at Sam for being reckless. Cas knew Sam had unwillingly let his guard down, he was still grieving Maggie's death and probably felt like he failed as a leader. The angel quickly teleported himself to Donatello's place scaring the crap out of the prophet who wasn't ready to have someone zap themselves into his kitchen. Jack and Dean looked confused.

"Cas what the hell are you doing here and where is Sam?" To say Dean sounded pissed off was an understatement.

"We encountered a slight problem... A mind-control psychic got his fingers on your brother and he currently is in a very happy state of mind. He thinks he's married to Jessica Moore, thinks his name is Justin Smith." At the mention of Jess' name Dean's face darkened, not only did a freak mess with his brother but also he also somehow brought back Sam's first love. This alone did not sit well with the big brother. No monster nor anyone was allowed to mess with his Sammy. "Take me to this place, now!"

Jack pointed out he could help as well but Dean quickly shot him down. "No Jack you stay here, this dude won't be alive much longer once I'll lay a hand on him." Cas and Jack exchanged glances which could be interpreted as 'Don't you dare say something'. Cas gripped Dean's shoulder and teleported them back to Charming Acres not far from "Justin's" house.

"This is the house. I would advise you to be cautious, your brother won't recognize you and fight you. It's nothing like Sam. It looks like this "praise the kale" version of Sam you once encountered." This information nauseated Dean to a point. He marched up to the door and rang the bell. Few seconds later, someone who had his brother's facial features opened the door. "Yes sir how may I help you?" Sam was wearing glasses and his hair was pinned back, which shocked the older hunter. "Sammy what happened to you?"

"My name is Justin Smith and this is my beautiful wife Jessica Moore." Fake Sam said motioning to none other than Jessica while Dean looked flabbergasted. "Sammy snap out of it, this isn't you nor is this your life." Fake Smile grabbed Dean by the shoulders and tried pushing him out the door same he did with Castiel but the older Winchester was somehow anticipating this and pushed back. "You should have your mouth washed out with soap dear sir I think you would feel better afterwards."

Having had heard enough of this nonsense, Dean left the house anger written on his face. He was on a mission: gank the SOB who had taken advantage of his grieving, younger brother. It didn't take Dean long to find him. "Yo fugly! There are two ways this goes either you stop what you're doing to my brother or we do this the hard way." The mind psychic laughed and suddenly Sam and Jessica appeared behind him. Dean sighed and made his brother trip who inadvertedly knocked his head slightly on a table. Good thing Sam had Disney princess hair to protect his head. "Sam! You gotta snap out of this little brother. Jessica died 13 years ago just like mom. And just like when you were 6 months old I carried out of the fire. I know Jess made you the happiest and I would love for you to have someone so you could be happy again but Sammy this here isn't real. You're grieving and you think you failed the other hunters and especially Maggie but little brother let me tell you something, I'm so damn proud of you. You have accomplished so many things over the years. You survived the Cage. We are the guys that save the world. You are the strongest hunter I know besides me. There ain't no me if there ain't no you. We are stronger together, I need you." Something shifted within Sam, fake Jessica disappeared and the youngest Winchester snapped out of his happy haze but immediately bursted into sobs. "Come here little brother, it's okay." While Dean normally was against showing his affection, he didn't like when his brother was sad. Sam put a hand on his head feeling blood pouring from a wound.

"Did you punch me?" Dean ruffled Sam's hair grinning, they were unfortunately used to punch each but this question made him laugh somehow. "I didn't, I made you trip and you hit your head but your Disney princess hair protected you Samantha. Come on let's go home. Cas wherever you are, we need a ride back home." Upon seeing Sam's confused look. "Cas came to get me knowing I could bring you back to reason. I was at Donatello's with Jack, we were talking in his kitchen when our angelic friend plopped in. Scared the hell out of Donny. I wasn't going to take the car and drive angrily towards Arkansas, risking an accident so I took the cosmic transportation." As if on cue, Castiel appeared next to them. "It's nice to you're you again Sam. You should lie down as soon as you're home; we have no idea if there are any lasting effects from the mind-control." Dean looked at Cas like he had grown another head. "Are you serious right now? Well Sammy you know what this calls for; awesome big brother time."

Castiel brought them back to the bunker and immediately left the Winchester brothers alone, he eventually went back to Donatello's place to talk more about Jack and the potential risk the kid was.

Meanwhile in the bunker, Sam looked at the map room where Maggie and the other hunters were killed by Michael!Rowena and sighed while slowly walking towards his room, shoulders hanging low. He felt like a burden for Dean. Someone he had to protect constantly. All those thoughts swirling in his head because he knew he failed as a leader.

Dean observed him silently from the kitchen, bit his lips for a while and decided to take his previously made pancakes and a smoothie out of the fridge and bring them to Sam. "Hey Sammy look I made you pancakes." Dean wasn't expecting to see his brother facing the wall brooding whatever thoughts. "I'm so sorry I let myself get distracted by monster of the week. We got enough on our hands. You don't need to constantly worry about my failures. It's okay if you hate me." Dean put the pancakes and the smoothie on his brother's bedside table and sat next to him. "Sammy look at me." Sam looked his brother in the eyes. "You're not a failure nor a burden. I don't hate you for all of this, I hate you a little bit for making me say this though. You were and are still grieving Sam, it's ok to get distracted then. Plus admit it, you wanted awesome Dean to come to the rescue. You've made me mad Sammy those last couple of years, scared the crap out of me. But no matter how miserable you make me feel, I'm more miserable without you. Now eat your pancakes, bitch. Dean side hugged Sam bumping his shoulder. "You're such a jerk." Sam grinned and started eating. He was home and started feeling better by the second, all thanks to his brother who had always been there since he was born.

A/N: Short little OS, lemme know what you thought about it. Y'all are enough and loved, you're not alone! As always you know where to find me <3 (Published on AO3 too, if you want to read other SPN fanfics, hop over there)

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