Chanlix AU
Aspiring artist Bangchan is happy with his life, going with the flow and just trying to get through his final years of college so he can hopefully make a career with music.
Failed dancer Felix moves to Korea to leave his mundane life in...
Changbin had graciously helped Chan clean his small wounds while Chan sat on the toilet, wincing in pain every time the hydrogen peroxide-soaked cotton ball pressed against the cuts. Changbin ordered Chan to shower and he nodded, saying thank you. Changbin only chuckled at Chan as he already knew the boy was crushing.
"Hyung, how did you even meet this boy? This is so random." Changbin says, leaning on the door frame. It was unlike Chan. It wasn't like he was a complete loner, but he had his small circle of people and kind of stuck with it, not caring to expand it. He was a social butterfly though so he liked talking to strangers or his classmates, but other than that, Chan kept his friend circle quite small.
"To be honest, I have no idea. When I was walking home I saw the guy in a tour group for our Uni and we both noticed each other. I guess?" Chan pauses,
"And then when I was on my run, I tripped over a curb because he had been standing there so he scared the shit out of me. Long story short he drove me home, and we just instantly clicked and talked for hours. We have a lot in common, just like Hyunjin. He's cool Bin." Chan takes a deep breath and tries to read the younger's expression. Changbin nods while breaking into a small smile, "That's good. Really good. He seemed like a cool guy anyway. Invite him over sometime since I'm pretty sure I scared him. Also, Hannie only saw a glimpse of him." Chan agrees with him, knowing his closest friends needed to also meet him. Chan had a feeling he would be seeing more of the boy.
"Oh! Speaking of Hyunjin.." Changbin deadpans, knowing what Chan is going to ask.
"No. We did not talk. Yes, we did make eye contact several times. Yes, I am literally obsessed with him. Shut up." Changbin throws Chan an extra towel and he closes the door, laughing at his lovestruck friend before sighing, realizing that it was nearing 1 AM. And of course, he had a morning class. At 7 AM.
When Chan wakes up at 6:30, he almost jumps out of bed from happiness to see that his teacher has canceled their class due to developing a cold.
"I am so sorry you're sick but I am so happy, thank you Jesus" Chan yells in joy and tosses his phone away deep in the covers. He snuggles back into his covers and sighs in contentment, already falling back asleep.
Felix stares at the phone, not able to get himself to text the older boy. He had been contemplating on what to say or if he should even start a conversation right now. He wanted to hang out with Chan or just talk to him again. He would hang out with Jeongin if it weren't for the fact that he and Olivia were always hanging out. He was pretty sure he heard them say they were going to a nearby cafe to study when they left this morning. He couldn't exactly remember since he was in bed still half asleep. Instead, Felix finally decides to go through Chan's Instagram for the first time and sighs. Chan only has five posts up with the latest one being a couple of weeks ago.
Instead, Felix finally decides to go through Chan's Instagram for the first time and sighs. Chan only has five posts up with the latest one being a couple of weeks ago.
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@nahcgnab: TBT to last winter at Namham River. Missing the old times now.
@dwaekki: Bro I look terrible, Jisung isn't even in focus. You posted this for what
@jisunghan: Jail.
@hynjn02: Hyung!! You're so handsomeeeeeee
"H Y N J N? Who the fuck?" Felix mutters and clicks on his account. Of course, this guy is private. Felix drops his mouth in shock when he sees that he has over 10k followers even though he's private. "How??" He says and tries to zoom in on his profile picture.
"Ok great, so he's hot," Felix says defeated. Was he Chan's friend too? Were they as close as Chan is with his roommates? He had to agree though, Chan did look really handsome. He exits the account and sees that unfortunately Jisung has a private account as well but is satisfied when at least this Changbin guy's account is public. He only has two posts and one of them being Chan, Felix can feel his heart drop when he clicks on the picture that was uploaded four days ago on Friday.
اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
@dwaekki: Nightly gym sesh with the bro. @jisunghan where tf you at?
@nahcgnab replying to @jisunghan: we go this weekend then. 8 AM bro
@jisunghan replying to @nahcgnab: ok fine I'm down
"Oh my god he's so hot what the fuck." Felix mutters, and covers his face, not being able to deal with the dirty thoughts racing through his mind. This was posted on Friday, if the three are still sticking to their plan in the comments, should he stalk them at the Uni gym this weekend? Felix immediately pinches himself when he realizes how stupid he sounds. He doesn't even have an I.D yet for the school so he wouldn't be able to even enter the facility. God. This Changbin guy was hot too, Felix admitted to himself. He groans and scrolls to his last upload being just a picture of some trees. He exits and goes through the rest of Chan's posts slowly.
اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.