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VERONICA WAS SEARCHING FOR HER BROTHER,   not knowing wether she had to take him home that day or if he was meeting up with his friends.

Finally, she spotted him, of course standing with Jackie and Grace. "Sky, do I have to take you home with me?" Then she took a look at her clock, "Wait, Jackie, shouldn't you already be at home?"

Grace decided to respond, seeing as neither Skylar nor Jackie were in the mood to talk to Veronica. "The Walters forgot Jackie so we decided to go eat ice cream and then I'll drive her home."

Veronica nodded, thankful that at least someone had given a response. "Well, then I'll see you later, Sky."

She walked over to her car thinking about what she could do now. She could go home, but she didn't want to because then she would be alone. She could go to the Walters but she was still kind of mad at Cole and Monty's was also a taboo since her brother was there.

Finally, Veronica settled on going to the Lark to drink a coffee and maybe then she would feel better so she could go over to the Walters and make up (and maybe out) with Cole.

After having drunk a coffee and eaten a chocolate muffin the world looked a bit brighter and Veronica finally made her way over to the Walter's house, having forgiven Cole for his rash actions during lunch.

As she parked her car she noticed Alex sitting outside, reading a book. "Hi Alex, what are you reading?"

He looked up, a bit startled by her sudden appearance. "Lord of the rings," he responded with a few words, like he always did when talking to Veronica. She was kind of under the impression that he didn't like her, but Veronica didn't want to assume the worst.

"I only watched the movies," she told him. "Anyway, do you know where Cole is?"

Alex shrugged but promised to go looking for him. As Alex went to look for him near the stables Veronica went into the house to search him, but she didn't find him, so she just settled down on his bed, looking up at the glow in the dark stars Danny and Cole had put up on the ceiling when they were eight and had never bothered to take down.

"You did say later, but I didn't think you would come by so soon," Cole stated as he walked into the room, smirk on his face and his hair messy.

Veronica shrugged, still laying on the bed. "Me neither."

"Well, just to our luck, Danny should be downstairs helping Parker with her homework, so we have some alone time," Cole told her and shut the door behind him.

The girl finally sat up, crossing her legs on the bed. "Cole, don't you think you should also be doing your homework or studying?"

He feigned innocence, of course he did, "What do you mean? I don't have any tests upcoming."

"Those who got a D or lower can retake the math test, if you didn't get the memo," she told him, growing annoyed by his lack of care.

"So? I don't see a reason for me to retake it," Cole told her, sitting down on the bed beside her, "Especially when I can finally spend some quality time with my wonderful girlfriend."

Veronica sighed, knowing that she would lose this fight, especially when he began to kiss her cheek and then moved further down to her neck. "Okay, but this isn't over."

"Whatever you say, Vee," Cole told her, his lips blowing soft kisses on her neck.

The girl got up, leaving Cole behind on the bed, with a frustrated expression on his face. Why couldn't he just lay down and kiss her until . . . forever?

"If you're being like that, let's go out for a ride. We haven't done that in ages," Veronica said with an enthusiastic smile on her face as she pulled him up, held his hand and led him down the stairs.

Cole protested verbally but didn't make a move to actually stop her. "But didn't we go riding like three days ago?"

"Exactly, it's been ages," Veronica stated as she let go of his hand, went into the downstairs bathroom and grabbed two towels, Cole always following closely behind her. "Okay, how about this," she pulled him closer and shut the door, so that no prying eyes would catch them. "We ride to the river and then we'll go skinny dipping?"

His green eyes lit up at her suggestion and he placed a kiss on her forehead, "I think I can live with that."

"Okay, then get moving."

HOPE speaks !

okay another chapter for y'all right away bc it'll take some time until i'll write again cuz of school and my laptop's broken so yeah

anywayyy i already had a comment suggesting a shipname for my beloved cole and veronica but what do y'all think?

any suggestions? conica? verole?

WHERE WE ARE ; COLE WALTERNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ