2nd Selection

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Screaming his soul out, Ryo's pupils finally returned to normal from their contracted state. Turning around and looking back at the field, he suddenly got dizzy. He found himself leaning back after feeling his legs gave up on him.

"We seriously need to have a talk about your mental state."

Coming in clutch Venom prevented Ryo from falling on his rear. Straighting his posture, Ryo was able to look at the field without any interruptions this time.

"... What a nice view."

Strikers from Team V scattered on his left and right, most of them on the ground not daring to look up. Walking in a slow pace between them, he looked down on them while they were at their lowest.

Ryo's circuit between the defeated opponents was cut short when a hand made contact with his back. A flash of red hair from the side made it clear who was it. He couldn't grasp what Chigiri said couse of more and more players grouping around him and cheering loudly.

"Hey Reo... Losing after giving your all... It feels frustrating..."

Nagi said, his glaze returning to the one of bored. But deep inside his heart he felt something he never did and never wanted to feel. He didn't like it.

Briefly taking one more peek at the state he left the enemy players in, Ryo's lips turned upward gently and let out a soft scoff. The delightful bliss he felt when scoring or the sometimes unbearable pain has made him think while walking surrounded by his teammates.

Is that what it feels like to play on a higher level? That's why everyone plays football? Couse of the bliss and pain? Becouse if that's the truth, then the world of football has gained another star in the hiding.


Sipping on his cup of coffe, Ego stared at Ryo's form in the corridor. He spoke to soon and got fumbled, not expecting something from nothing really did made him wanna draw out more from this player. Copying other's weapons and use it on it's own... How egoistical.

"Team V. I hoped you would push him more...Eh. I'll take that as my fault. Maybe playing against them will bring out his ego... 'Anomaly' you really are mysterious."

One of the monitors flashed and displayed a clip of Ryo collapsing and choking and the one when he kept repeating the same word. Ego's non-existent serious face disappeared, he grabed his tablet and wrote a note.

'Hire a psychologist.'


"Where did thats fighting spirit of yours go Raichi?"

Receiving continuous heavy breathing as a response, Ryo looked to see Raichi ready to just about pass out. He wasn't the only one though. Every member of Team Z was feeling the same or even worse than Raichi.


With their victory over Team V, the treams and players moving on the next event were announced. Obviously, Team V and Z passed as well as the top scorers for their own teams: Niko, Barou and one of the Wanima brothers.

Ofcourse, Ego wouldn't let the second selection begin right away. As a congratulations for making it through the first selection, they would be forced to undergo intense physical conditioning for the next two weeks as a way to catch up to the other buildings.

I Ego's own words, they should be greatful for such an opportunity. The only one that weren't affected as everyone else was Ryo. A slightly heavier breathing was all the exhaustion Ryo showed for the entire two weeks.

Most of Team Z left the training room after the announcement, but not Ryo. Having nothing else to do he decided to stay and do some more exercises. Fortunately for Venom, that was just the situation he wanted Ryo to be in.

"So... You're gonna tell me what the hell is happening?"

Ryo stopped after loading another 20 kg plate on the weight bar. His memories immediately went back to the game with Team V.

"Nothing really. I guess that's just the Blue Lock effect."

Ryo sat on the bench and layed down underneeth the bar, tightly wrapping his fingers around it, Ryo lifted it up and proceded to move it down and up.

"Oh, okay. So i guess choking and acting like a psycho is normal here too?"

Ryo paused for a second and then set the bar on the holder with a loud sound of metal colliding. He sat up and used the towel set on the side to brush the sweat of his forehead.

"You wouldn't belive me if I told you."

"Try me, i don't think there is a more ridiculous thing than me using you as a host and giving you the upper hand above everyon-"

"I hear voices..."

"... Good for you."

"Not like that, idiot!" Ryo burried his face into his hands.

"I hear voices inside my head..."

"So i guess the nickname Psycho from that purple guy really suits you, huh?"

Ryo sighed, honestly what did he belive was going to happen. It's Venom he's never serious. Walking over to the weighted squatting station, he loaded 250 kg on the bar.

"So there is someone else you hear except me, heh... "

Receiving a positive hum, Venom's watched as Ryo placed the bar on the nape of his neck and slowly took a step foward, releasing the bar from the supporter.

Letting a small grunt slip out, Ryo slowly and steadily lowered himself. Sharpingly exhaling Ryo clenched the bar harder until he found himself standing again. Repeating the same motion 19 times he finally put the bar back and sat next to his bottle.

"To be honest... I don't know what to tell you, so I'm gonna say that whenever you'll need my help just call me, yeah?"

"Why are you saying that like something actually is going to happen to me?" Ryo asked rasing his brow.

"I'm not blind Ryo, I saw the things you've been doing during the game or how you acted. If that's that voice doings... Then I'm starting to dislike it."

Ryo smiled Internaly, good to know he cares. Maybe he was wrong about Venom not being able to be serious.


Blue Lock x Venom!OCWhere stories live. Discover now