This is my Alastor x Reader Oneshot book. I have been very excited for the Hazbin Hotel series to come out on January 19th, so I decided to make some oneshots for the popular radio demon.Warning, this book may contain some swear words, so be warned...
Today marked the date of the Pride Ring Ball. Every year in Hell, Lucifer Morningstar would host a ball for the notorious residents in Hell at his palace. The invites extended to the Sins, Overlords, and Goetia family. Sadly, you were just a regular sinner in hell, so no invitation for you, or so you thought. The time you arrived at your apartment in Hell, you noticed the red enveloped, with black seal in your mailbox. "What was this", you thought. Opening the envelope, you realized it was an invitation for the ball. WAIT WHAT?! Thinking it was a mistake, you opened the envelope to see if it was really addressed to you. The message inside the envelope read:
OMG! It took you awhile to get your jaw off the floor after reading the invitation. You had met Charlie Morningstar, a few times in your time in Hell. She had dropped flyers for her hotel on the ground on day, and you happened to be around to help her. After that, the both of you chatted and exchanged cell phone numbers. She insisted you stay at the hotel, and think about being redeemed. Honestly, you were a bit skeptical on the idea, but you told her you would think about it. You didn't expect her to do this for you. You needed to thank her so much when you saw her at the ball. The big problem was finding a dress to wear. You had plenty of clothes, but none of them were ball material, and the funds you had to buy one was very slim. Trying to come up with an idea, you decided to message Charlie, thanking her very repeatedly for the invite and also if she could help you look for a ball gown and mask. Her response came quickly and she said would handle it and for you not to worry. That left you a bit confused, but you didn't question it and just replied back with a heart and smiley face.
It was the day of the ball, and you had just arrived back home from work. Once you arrived at your door, you noticed there were two golden gift wrapped boxes placed in front of it. Grabbing the boxes and headed inside, you see that they were for you. Opening them, one of them contain a beautiful ball gown and the other a masquerade mask (Dress and mask below)
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This almost felt like a dream. Inside the box was a note from Charlie, saying hope you love the dress and P.S a carriage would arrive for you at 7:00 PM. Taking a look at your clock, the time read 6:30, which gave you enough time to do your hair and makeup. Once that was all sat, it was time to put on the dress, which fitted you like a glove. Placing the mask on your face, you peaked at the clock and saw that it now read 6:58 PM. Heading out, you gotten to the lower level and spotted your ride. It was a large apple carriage, painted red and gold. The driver was an short imp, wearing a tuxedo. The horses were full on skeletons, with flames for the manes. The driver gave you a nod, hopping down from his seat, and opening the carriage door for you. Thanking him, you went inside and took a seat. Soon you heard a crack, and the carriage began to move, heading towards our destination.
The carriage had drawn to a halt, arriving at the Morningstar palace. It was enormous. The exterior was painted an ashen white. The ceiling was a crimson red and there were apple shaped symbols covering the gates. A fountain was in the middle, spewing out red water. The carriage had stopped right in front of the many stairs, leading to the door of the palace. The driver had dropped down again, opening the door for you this time. Stepping out, you gazed at the palace. You still couldn't believe this was really happening. Making your way up the stairs, the doors opened for you. A large hallway was in front of you, leading to two large doors, marked with red apples and snake symbols, along with two demon guards. Taking a deep breath, you made your way over to them. The guards bowed before you, then proceeded to open the door.
The doors opened leading to the upper deck of a staircase, with two stairs going down on both sides. Peering over the deck, you gazed down. In front of you was the ballroom, where the festivities were talking place. A crowd of demons were gathered around certain areas of the room. An orchestra was playing in the corner of the room, and there were tables of refreshments and imps walking around with trays of beverages. Demons of all shapes and sizes were donning beautiful costume and dresses, along with many interesting masks. A few demons had stopped to gaze at you at the top of the staircase, whispering to themselves. Oh boy, you were starting to feel insecure now, but you were already here so might as well pull through. Hiking your dress up a bit, you gracefully walked down the stairs. You gazed around the room, observing many of the different people that were there and hoping to spot Charlie. You walked slowly around the ballroom, taking in everything. You got many different reactions as you walked around. Many demons smiled and bowed at you, which you returned back with a curtsy. Others gave a glare and scoffed at you, which you ignored. You kept looking for Charlie, but it was very difficult since there were so many masks. The thumping of heels could be heard behind you. Turning around, you were tackled into a bear hug, by someone wearing a pink mask and blonde hair. "YOU MADE IT!!!"
Recognizing that voice, you took a step back, realizing it was Charlie, wearing a beautiful magenta ball gown. Smiling you hugged her back. "Ah you must be Y/N!" another called out from behind the both of you. Looking up, you saw the king of hell himself, Lucifer Morningstar along with his beautiful wife, Lilith. He was wearing his signature white suit and hat, while holding his apple cane. He was wearing a white mask, with black feathers covering it. Lilith was wearing a gorgeous amethyst-colored dress, matching her purple diamond mask. Letting go of Charlie, you politely introduced yourself, giving a bow. "Ah no no my dear! No need for formalities!Come here!"Lucifer smiled widely, walking over to you and giving you a bear hug, similar to Charlies. Welp that was a surprise, you figured Lucifer would be a bit more authoritative, but he was a bit of a goofball. Lucifer let you go, leaving Lilith to come towards you. Her presence took your breath away, giving her amazing height. She bent down a bit, and gave you a hug as well, to which you returned. Having let you go, she placed a hand on your cheek, giving you a motherly smile. "Its a pleasureto meet you, Y/N. Charlie has told us much about you. Thank you for being a kind friend to her."