Author's Notes

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The Last-Ditch Heir is my ONC2024 entry using Prompt 99 (next-to-last one!).

"The Royal Family needs a male heir to the throne, and they're willing to accept any boy, even if he's born to their least-hinged relative."

The Kingdom of Forland is down to two male heirs, Richard, the Heir Apparent, who lives for pleasure and excitement, and second in line is Sean, son of the late Waldemar, the eccentric and off-kilter Duke who married an inappropriate wife who supported his quirks. Waldemar favored Republican government, wacky new age practices, often involving crystals, incense and less pleasant odors. The marriage was the last straw that got him exiled from the Royal Family to their relief. Years passed before Sean was born to Waldemar and his wife, to everyone's surprise and the Family's fury at the new heir. Several heirs between Waldemar and the throne made this a safe bet, until only Richard was left between Sean and Sean's plans for Westmere.

King Uther III is dying and is concerned about the future of his kingdom. Richard must marry and have male heirs, for Sean, who despises the Royals for their treatment of his parents, wants to break Westmere away from Forland, ending the Kingdom.

Richard's sybaritic lifestyle leads to disaster. Sean is in the hot seat, with revenge on his mind and Isobel on his heart. The Family and the Government's plans to control Sean are put to the test for he wants to marry Isobel, a woman who knows is her ticket to the top. The Government opposes this marriage. Sean's solution is to have Pam Evers, an American living in Swansholm, the capital, pretend to be his girlfriend.

Pam is the opposite of princess material, and sure to make Isobel look good, or at least the better choice. Sean offers to pay her handsomely to pretend to be his girlfriend. She refuses thinking it deceitful. Her family's financial distress causes her to accept.

Time passes and Sean comes to like Pam and depend on her, but he won't call it love. Isobel lies in wait. Sean works on breaking Forland in two, but he is torn between his duty, his new-found respect for the crown, and two women, one he desires, and one he tells himself he doesn't love.

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