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-Tzuyu... Mina and Nayeon met Tzuyu ten years ago. Tzuyu comes from a family of vampires who are very close friends with the Count and Nayeon's parents.- Dahyun began to explain. -But, as often happens, she was born human. A beautiful friendship was born between her and Nayeon. In ten years Tzuyu has reached the place of Mina, who Nayeon has known for over a millennium. So Nayeon has two best friends, if you're wondering. Mina, however, didn't seem to be jealous, on the contrary, she was happy. You know... Tzuyu was too human for her friends but she had a family that was too strange for her classmates. And it happened a year ago that Tzuyu made the decision to be bitten and asked her parents first, but they didn't want to bite her. She then asked Nayeon but she refused. Well, she asked Mina. She agreed but she would do it on the anniversary of the first bite she took. Poor Tzuyu didn't know what would happen. A car... Hit her and... The doctors said they didn't think she would make it. She was in a coma, Momo and I looked at each other and... We decided it was time for Mina to bite her. When we returned, Tzuyu had woken up and become one of us. Tzuyu is very grateful to Mina, even though she didn't seem like that before, but everyone in this house, especially thanks to my power, knows that it wasn't Mina who bit her.

-And who was it? Nayeon?- Jeongyeon asked.

-No, Nayeon maybe would have, but she didn't know about the accident. When she and Tzuyu's parents found out, Tzuyu was already awake.- Momo explained.

-And who? Jihyo?

-It was Sana. Sana doesn't bite that often, she has saved illustrious people, never ordinary humans.- Dahyun explained. -When I told her I knew it was her, she begged me not to tell Tzuyu. Sana has been in love with her since she turned nineteen but Tzuyu never noticed.

-I thought Sana was with you.- she said pointing to Dahyun.

The palest of the group coughed. -And in fact it is like this, she and I are together and we love each other very much. The Tzuyu issue was a while ago. After Sana realized that she couldn't keep drooling over a playgirl who didn't want her, she opened her eyes and we got together.

Momo shook her head. -I wonder how you can't understand that a girl has liked you for years.

-Imagine not understanding that a girl has liked you for centuries.- Dahyun commented, getting up. -I'm going to rest, I wish you a night full of lightning.

-Let's hope so.- Momo said, getting up. -You come with me? I don't think you want to go where Nayeon is. When she is angry her power becomes being unbearable.

Jeongyeon looked first at Nayeon's room, then at Momo. -My cousin?- she asked, remembering Jihyo's existence.

-Late shift today. We don't sleep anyway.- explained the Japanese girl. -Listen, I know you want to go to Nayeon but it's not convenient for you. And then... She is prettt, but there are millions of humans like her. Before you end up like her ex-husbands, stop.

Jeongyeon nodded. -She's pretty, very pretty and I really like her aesthetically but I'm not going to fall in love with her, don't worry.

-It's the truth.- Dahyun said. -I read it in her thoughts.

Momo rolled her eyes. -Can you stop it?

-No.- Momo smirked. -Momo no!

-Look into my eyes.


-From now on you will no longer read people's minds, do you understand me?

Dahyun nodded weakly.

-What did you do to her?- Jeongyeon asked confused.

-I hypnotized her. She should be out of our hair for twenty-four hours.- She looked towards Nayeon's room. -Dark night Jeongyeon.

-Good night.

Momo took Dahyun to her room to recover from the initial shock of hypnosis and Jeongyeon hesitantly went to Nayeon's. She opened the door slowly and found the girl resting like dead in her coffin.

-Do I disturb?

-It depends, are you Tzuyu?


-I know.- she said, opening her eyes. -Tzuyu is the only unwelcome one here.

Jeongyeon nodded and closed the door. -I think I'll go to sleep, it's late and... I'm working tomorrow too.

-With the children?


-Send me the address, I babysat Tzuyu for a while. That ingrate... I like children, not to eat.

Jeongyeon chuckled. -I thought you were working late.

-No, the agency is only open in the morning, I go around in the evening. You know... It never hurts to get something offered at the bar.

-Yes I imagine.

-For example, there is this vampire who has been courting me for centuries and still hasn't gotten tired of it.

-You really have to be worth it. Why don't you give him a chance?

-I don't like him, I can't help it if I'm attracted to humans. They are so... Beautiful. But I'm done with humans.

Jeongyeon smiled. It was a relief. Now she had to try to like a little less that sexy girl in the coffin next to her bed.

-Good night.

Tzuyu had been watching the whole scene and had been watching Nayeon watch Jeongyeon sleep and smile. She originally went there to see if Nayeon was talking bad about her, but she had other things to deal with that girl.

-I haven't become sensible but I have returned visible. I hate to say it.

-Tzuyu!- Nayeon shouted-whispered. -What do you want? You are not welcome here.

-Right, only humans are welcome here. Nayeon, you have to remove that smile when you look at this human you've only known for twenty-four hours.

-One: I've known her for a long time, she's the one who doesn't know me.

-What do you mean?- Tzuyu asked confused.

-That I've literally known her since she was born. I babysat her but she doesn't remember it. You know... Why am I telling you this!?

-No, I want to know.

-Jeongyeon and I were friends.

-In a past life?

-In this life.

Nayeon looked at Jeongyeon, then stood up. -Let's go talk in a more private room. Tzuyu, you have to promise me that you will never tell anyone. The only ones who know are Jihyo and Mina. Jihyo because she is her cousin and Mina because she helped us.

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