Naruto who after being betrayed and executed by the village he grew up and suffered in his whole life was sent to the afterlife but he refused and soon became a hollow a powerful one at that
_Years later_
along the way he discovers old forgotten emo...
Yo what's up I'd like to introduce you to this new story I've decided to make this after rewatching the recent/new season of bleach after years of waiting for it yeah baby
I gota say 10/10 it was fire this season but anyway you fellow bleach fans should know this by now so let's not geck out about it now
Anyways I hope you enjoy this and now let's get started with the story shall we
---3rd pov---
Naruto dragged his limping and bleeding body back to the gates of the village he lived in, with an unconscious traitor on his back by the name of Sasuke. he had recently abandoned the village and Naruto and his team went to go get him back
Their team was led by Shikamaru and during the mission they had to combat the sound five, leading to him being the only one able to chase after Sasuke
Finding him and catching up to him on the statues of Hashirama and Madara in the Valley of The End
Not listening to his pleas to come back Sasuke challenged him and he accepted
They ended up having a fight and he knocked him out but not before being hit with 2 chidori to the chest. Finally getting to the centre gates he was met with the whole village, limping over he was met half way
"G-guys hea!" He waved and wobbled on his feet. Kakashi then came over and took Sasuke and sakura ran to him
"Sakura-" he was cut off by a punch to his face, as he fell back not from the punch but due to his recent injuries "Baka I told you to bring him back alive and unharmed not half dead!" She screeched at him
"But I-" he was hit again but in the chest as he coughed blood and anbu came and under orders took him away. He called for them to stop but they knocked him unconscious
He was locked away and villagers were let into his cell to bet on him. Hinata and Shikamaru tried to help but were pushed out. Shikamaru then refused to accept the mission was only complete and bargained to let Naruto out but was denied by the elders
Days later he was set for execution by Sasuke's chidori. He was put in front of the whole village. Some of his friends were upset while others refused to watch, as he met his end to his once friend
Only not before ruining his chance at gaining the next level of his eyes saying "we were never friends to begin with tene you were always a ungrateful crybaby" he grinned at Sasuke's face of anger
Feelings in his body soon left him as he closed his eyes only able to listen and wait for his life to fade
The last sounds he heard was the cheats of the village and booing of the crowd
As they celebrated all night a ghostly soul Naruto watched them in anger. As rage overwhelmed his body then the chain holding down his soul started to corrode. As his concealed hatred and rage at the villager over the years came out
the kyubi seeing a chance pumped all his chakra into the seal laughing and guaranting that those damn humans would die next time the brat comes back then disappeared
A white liquid came out his mouth nose and ears. As the chain reached his heart a hole formed letting out a vengeful roar. The liquid covered his face and his vision went dark
Felling the ground shake from a massive riastu pressure. the 3 local shinigami tasked with escorting the recently dead souls of this village turned to the source
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All 3 dashed over praying it wasn't the soul they were tasked to keep safe, and made sure was sent to soul society by their captain
When they got there they saw a smaller soul than expected. It was a young boy with blonde hair. They watched in horror as the soul they were tasked to send was turning to a hollow
Trying to seal or at least stop this process they tried to call out to the young boy to stop. All were unsuccessful
When the mask appeared they were all pushed back by it letting out a roar of power
Glancing at its appearance they had paled realising who this soul was before death and freaked out
The newly formed hollow had the body of a fox. With 4 pure white bone tails. Beside the glowing red raistu cover its body, only the same white bones under the skin could be seen. Its mask covered its whole head and took the shape of a fox's face
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( Imagine 4 tails with the tails as bones and bones inside the glowing energy and a hollow mask)
It let out a loud roar as the atmosphere heated up over 5 times. They struggled to breath under both being pressured onto them
"this a newly formed hollow how does it have this much riastu it's unheard of" the younger one shouted
"Crap this boy wasn't meant to turn to a hollow he was meant to come with us" the fifth seat thought in panic about this (now what would captain think we were meant to bring him unharmed and now he's a hollow)"damnit!"
"Quickly contain him now we must bring him back to soul society, captain will need to see him!" The other two nodded. As they chanted out kido (sealing) spells in the 30-40s but were too slow
As it turned their way it forms a black ball of gathering energy and they all tried to flash stepped away. The hollow swallowed it and fires out a large blast or boiling hot raistu
One was unlucky to dodge and was vaperized completely on the spot. The fifth seat tried to stop it by unleashing his Shiki (first release stage), but was blown away by it blasting red condensed raistu forming a air blast
The last shinigami's attack was dodged and flung away by two of its tails. Both could only try to charge again but it faces away from them
"NO! Stop it I can't let you get away!kido number 1:Seal" The fifth seat was able to bind its hands by a quick panicked spell. Swinging his blade down but was blocked by its tails and pushed back by them. The tails looked unharmed noticing they were stronger then he thought
Getting free and swiping a hand a garganta (hollow rift) opens up and it hopes in dodging any more future maybe attacks. The two were left shocked on what to do and what just happened
The new figure of Naruto looks around as his vision comes back to him. He ponders on where he is and what happened
Still struggling with the facts of what he remembers, he slowly makes his way forward questioning on what to do
he now fully walks ahead trying to get used to having four legs now
(No surprise I was sent here I guess even heaven hates my guts because of that damn fox) He was not surprised at what he became only frustrated. He was now a very being that resembles the fox that ruined his life
It also seemed to him that the damn fox in question was gone from his body. Also him letting out his emotions and with his death his mind is clearer and he got smarter. Being able to think clearer now then when he was alive
"Hmm" (did the old man put a seal on me with one for the fox?why now have I gotten smarter? No wait not smarter my head is clearer it had to be him)
Remembering when he was in the academy he could now understand the lessons (I swear I'm going to find him in this afterlife and destroy him! How could he do this to me!)
His raistu raised with his anger but a loud crack beneath him made his body pause (huh?)
Felling the ground crack beneath him he soon fell down the hole. Not screaming as he could see the bottom. Miles above ground he fell but he didn't care. Focused on landing he turns around so his legs where bent below him
Trusting his new body's capabilities he braced for impact. Still on instinct he condensed raistu around him for his own safety
Landing with a crash he shrugs off the dust and sand. Looking where he was now he sees monstrous figures eating each other
A strange pull and want to do the same overwhelmed his senses, so he spotted the biggest one. A huge black cloaked beast. Poking out of its head was a white pointy nosed mask
Charging for it he leaped up and on instinct raistu covered his clawed hand. He swiped it across its mask cutting it in half. The beast's roars going on deaf ears as it feels over dead
Landing and quickly as he could started to devour it. Many came to eat it too but he killed and ate them. The need for more kept him going as he ate
Continuing on as more and more came barreling towards him. All sensing his power and wanting to devour him but only came to their deaths. Cutting them all down without mercy to be then eaten
A figure stood out of the way as it watched him eyes gleaming in hunger. It sprung out claws ready to tear him apart and jaw wide open
But was met with a clawed hand slamming on his mask and being smashed onto the ground. Naruto's jaws open and form another now smaller black sphere. The ball piercing its head and destroyed its mask killing it
Letting one final speech of victory his body shock. He clawed at the ground trying to stop the pain. Holding it all back with much mental struggle and willpower
(I need to eat more quickly!) He thought as his form dashed off to find more hollows. Learned from their memories he was able to finally have a name for them. Luckily for him more hollows seemed to meet halfway, as he now slowly one by one stacked their deaths around him
Hope you enjoyed that and this new story chapter anyways