Flinching, memories, nightmares and more

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A/N: this chapter will be different than all of the others, just to let you know:: it's been a few days after Valentine's Day, Shellington started to act more different, why is that?.

|part 1: memories of a horrible past|
"Ah!" Shellington wakes up from a nightmare
"Stupid abusive memories, they just to become my nightmares" he said quietly to himself,
He laid down on his bed facing the ceiling
*no one can know about this not just yet*
ESC: {what's wrong Shellington scared}
Shellington(mind): "shut up!" ESC: {$:&;);&&;&;&4&4'elandhjsrhjdedjrierjwkkd it's not my fault is it bye}

-the following morning-

Shellington wasn't able to fall back asleep last night, his head was hurting, he get flashbacks and horrible headaches, from his memories about his abusive life, He gets them so often that everyone is noticing it, CB: "Shellington are you okay?"Shellington: "I'm fine dad just...ah!"

CB:"!!!..Shellington!?" Shellington panted heavily and slowly, "I'm fine I'm...fine" he passes out, CB takes him to his room,
-1 hour later- Shellington woke up in CB's room, CB comes in, CB: "Shellington oh thank goodness your ok" Shellington: "I'm sorry" tears rolling down his face,

CB: "it's ok there's no need to worry, and it's not your fault anyways, son listen to me...whatever is bothering you you tell us, tell me, whenever you're ready" CB gives Shellington a hug, *what should I do?!* Shellington panicked in his mind.

|part 2: nightmares|
CB and Shellington slept together in CB's room, "please stop it hurts" he said in his sleep,
CB woke up to the voice of Shellington crying, pleading, begging, and whispering, CB slowly wiping away Shellington's tears "ssshhhh sssshhh it's ok Shellington dad is here, it's alright I got you"

Shellington calms down and resting peacefully,
CB hugs him and he to falls asleep, -morning-
CB woke up at 8am Shellington wasn't in bed
CB got out of bed, changed, ate breakfast, brushed his teeth and went to look for Shellington,

He found Shellington getting a book from the library on the highest shelf's, using the ladder a  rail bar broke Shellington falling down, CB caught him in time, CB: "that was close are you alright?" Shellington: "just a little tired"
He instantly fell asleep in CB's arms,

CB gave him a piggy back ride while he slept,
and took him to Shellington's bedroom/lab,
He took of Shellington's shoes, hat, and satchel, He saw Dashi passing by, CB: "Dashi!" He whispered yelled, Dashi: "what is it?"
CB: "I need someone to stay with Shellington while I'm on duty to make sure if have any problematic emergencies"

Dashi agrees to the idea and stayed with Shellington, she took of her shoes and lays in bed with him, Shellington starts to groan and moans in his sleep it sound like he's scared about something, Dashi: "it's ok Shells momma Dashi is here with you"

Shellington made a smile while sleeping,
-a few hours later- Shellington woke up,
He looks at Dashi she was still sleeping
*thanks dad and Dashi* he thought, after getting dressed, he leaves the room, Kwazzi, Peso and Tweak see him.

|part 3: nightmares part 2|

Peso; "are you okay Shellington?"Kwazzi: "you been on the edge lately" Tweak; "you haven't been yourself either" Shellington; "I'm fine just nightmares that's all" ESC: {🎶Liar~}
Shellington(mind): "fuck off💢",
ESC: {suit yourself} Peso: "let anyone know if there something wrong"

Shellington started working on some new reports and conducted research, he worked for hours with no breaks, he didn't even eat, he only left his room to use the bathroom, and the back to work, - hours later- it was 1am the next day, Peso woke up to use the bathroom, Kwazzi went to get a midnight snack, Tweak was walking in the hallway looking for her wrench 🔧,

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