Seventeen - Arrival

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Morgan's point of view

After a month in space, we were finally nearing the destination. In just over an hour we would be arriving at their home planet of Dysphera. It would be an understatement to say I've had a blast with the four alien men over the course of the weeks. We have done nothing but talk and joke around since we'd left Earth and turned on the hyperdrive.

Being on the ship reminded me of being in a motorhome back on Earth and camping with friends and family. Camping in nature was a large part of my upbringing, but it was something I knew I would never have the chance to do again. This of course saddened me that so many things I once did on Earth were no more than memories now. I had to adjust to this new life, and having the opportunity to start a new family and have someone who loved me more than words could express was a gift I was not about to take for granted.

We had already slowed the ship out of light speed and let me tell you, it was much easier coming out than going in. My fatigue persisted, but my nausea was almost gone. My small bump was already forming too, and Zor said in just another couple weeks we'd be able to tell the gender. I was over the moon excited and everyone else was seemingly as well.

It was still incredible to me how quickly the bond had acted and brought Xenophon and I together. It was even more unbelievable how easy it was for the connection to allow me to get pregnant. Xenophon kept close at all times, feeling the bump for himself and talking to it often.

I knew we were all nervous about the announcement of our child, knowing it would likely stir some controversies. Xenophon, however, continuously reassured me that he would take care of everything and do everything he could to assure our peace and safety through whatever was to come.

They had all mentioned that by their laws, their family had to protect me and through the connection we shared, like Zeek and Zor they would also instinctively want to protect us both anyway. All I could hope was that their people and family would accept me and our little hybrid baby with open minds and hearts.

Though, I was less worried about their blood relatives than outsiders and those they associated with. We all knew someone wouldn't agree with Xenophon's decision to take a human mate, but that was a bridge I was going to cross later as I had to avoid stressing over the entire thing.

Zeek and Zor were manning the controls up front while Thane had returned to his place in the lookout above. This left Xenophon and I alone, something I had grown to love quite honestly. Xenophon, as he did often, was rubbing circles in my back in an attempt to ease my nerves. He was attentive to every little thing I needed both physically and emotionally, our bond becoming impossibly stronger every moment we were together.

"Don't be so worried, Love. Everything will be just fine, and my other family will adore you just as my brothers and cousin do," Xen tries to reassure me.

"I'm just anxious. Too much could go wrong, and my life could depend on all of this," I frown.

"Don't be absurd," he chuckles. "You'll be surrounded by my family, the strongest family on the planet. I can very well assure your safety at the very least," he tells me. Just the sound of his voice was calming to me, something I was sure was a perk of this connection we shared.

"At least your mother seems less shocked and more exited now," I point out. Over the few weeks we'd been traveling, his parents and sister checked in regularly. Even Thane's mother checked in on him. I hadn't spoken to the brother's family just yet, my nerves getting the better of me, but they all sounded like they were anxiously waiting the arrival of the human carrying Xenophon's child. I knew I'd be like a circus freak there and people would likely gather to meet their first human.

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