Part 62: Blume likes Zart🎗️

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February 2017
Blume usually posted her picture and wrote the caption with her poems on her private insta. For example, at the meeting for CI School music concert, she saw Zart who's sitting on the side front.

Therefore, she made a poem, is titled "the side front." She already told Weise, Monie, and Schatz that she likes someone new. He's Zart, her new friend from student council. Of course, they all were really curious. It made her posted a pic of him that she took after the music concert in CI school, but she put a monkey emoji on his face. So everyone couldn't saw him.

It's not Blume if she didn't curious. She searched Zart's insta by typing "zart groß" and yeah she found it. His insta was @ zart_groß. She followed him directly and asked him "hey, follow me back."

He replied, "done."

She screenshotted her very first text with him and posted it on her private insta. But she wrote off his username and she captioned : "omg he follow me back!!!🥰😍"

February 9th, 2021

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