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"Feel free to call me if you have any other background questions, my phone number is 702-555-0103, my name is Dr

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"Feel free to call me if you have any other background questions, my phone number is 702-555-0103, my name is Dr. Spencer Reid, R-E-I-D."


9 Pills, that's all I've managed to force myself to eat at the crack of dawn.

I smirk to myself. Then roll out of the bed of bed opposite than how I feel mentally, I'm aching all over.




I rush to open the door, half asleep and half enraged at the idiot who decided to knock on my door at 8 am.


"Surprise brought you a first day off the job muffin, and iced caramel latte with a sharp side of emotional and moral support. Hugs and cheek kisses are included, love. How are you feeling" Penelope smiles into my eyes raising her eyelashes."

Derek is silent, looking from side to side and flatering to form normal sentences. Which is strange for him.

"I- Hell-You" 

I finally wake up, and look down at myself, oh.

"I planned this guys. Don't worry about me." I close the door and quickly put on a pair of basketball shorts Cassie lent me once. At least I remembered to wear a T-shirt.


"And Derek." I glance at him quickly and our eyes meet and then I stare at Penelope again.

"Thank you guys for coming over but I still need time to be alone, and its extremely still"

I giggle a bit.

"I'm early bird, you know that plus you nearly gave me a heart attack at work last night. I wanted to know, I'm here for you. Please you can lean on me" Penelope reaches for a hug.

"I know. " I lean away.

Derek grabs the iced coffee and muffin bag from Penelope.

"Let me stay" He peireces my eyes through his intense gaze.


As I break away my gaze from Derek, I notice Penelope is nowhere to be seen, I gesture for Derek to come in while dialing Penelope's number.

"Are you okay? Are you mad at me?"

"Yes I'm fine, and of course I'm not mad at you for letting Derek in. It was a part of my master cupid plan, enjoy lovergirl. "

"You're so silly."

"Mwah. Bye." Penelope hangs up.

Derek studies my eyes, eyebrows, lips, mouth, and facial expressions. His eyes then shift to the state of my apartment. A mess. Shit. I forgot.

"Let me make you breakfast."

I glance at the muffin and iced latte sitting on my kitchen countertop.

"You should go, my place is a mess. I promise you its not usually like this."

"Have you honestly seen mine, this place is  squeaky clean if we'd compare it on the spot. " He winks at me

I grab a piece of muffin and throw it directly to his face. It hits him, right at the spot I aimed at on his forehead.

"Ouch, you've hurt me. I think I need a remedy." He slowly walks near me.

"Shut up."

"No you don't."

"I do." We are now inches from each other's faces. 

We just both stare at each other first into each other another eyes he smoothly tucks my hir behind my ear.

"Fay. Can we start over? I want to truly know you, I want you to trust me, for us to be friends."

"Just friends?" 


"Why did you come over with Penelope today? I understand her coming over, but you..?"

"I want you in my life, and after you left, I wanted to see myself on your face if you were okay. I didn't get to yesterday." Derek says

"Are you okay, Princess."

A smile forms on the corners of my mouth. 

"Princess you're still doing that.

I tiptoe up on my toes, so my head can reach his face and whisper in his ears..."I don't think that works for me"

"Okay, cut-."

I cut him off. "So Princess is still available right?"

He stares at me, and grazes my cheek with his hand, "Are you okay, and I know you're not so how can I help you"

"By us being friends, hanging out. That'd be a start. I also definitely need a cleaning buddy."

He checks his phone. "Um actull-"

"No, you're helping me clean."

I'm exhausted. So I end up lying on the couch, and Derek follows.

"Raincheck on the cleaning?"

"I quit because it was the first thing I felt excited to due in a long time since I lost someone very important to me. I needed to find out who I was outside of being an FBI investigator. 

I look around at my cuddled apartment.

"As you can tell I'm still figuring that out, and everything a mess. I'm still a mess. But I'm happier. I think."

He listens and rests his head on my shoulder. 

That's all I ever needed from anyone, just to listen.

"Let's match your favorite movie, I wanna know that you're not boring yourself, in this apartment all day, Princess."

I roll my eyes.

"On that note I'm doing to bed, Der." 

He looks at me wide-eyed.


"It's cute. Deal with it." I reply.

He kisses my forehead playfully. I know it's in a strictly platonic way, but it still leaves me with butterflies, then says...

"Go to bed." 

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