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Sanest of the sane humans.

Jadeja: Hey, Shubman, have you seen this video of Ishan cozying up to Daniels?

Shubman: What? No way! Ishan, spill the beans!

Ishan: Oh, come on, Shubman, it's not what it looks like. We were just playing around the arena.

Hardik: Yeah, sure you were. I bet he was flirting with you and asked for a date with yummy snacks.

Shubman: I knew it! Ishan, you traitor!

Rahul: Easy there, Shubman. You know Ishan can't resist a good snack.

Siraj: Speaking of snacks, did you guys see Yuzi's face when he found out there were no more samosas left in the dressing room?

Yuzi: Hey, don't remind me! I'm still mourning the loss of those delicious treats.

Kuldeep: Maybe if you didn't eat them all in one go, we would've had some left for the rest of us!

Yashasvi: Guys, let's not forget about Tilak's epic celebration after he took that crucial wicket. He was doing cartwheels on the pitch!

Tilak: Hey, you have to celebrate the little victories, right?

Sky: And let's not forget about Jinx's reaction when he accidentally hit the umpire with the ball. He looked like he'd just seen a ghost!

Jinx: Hey, it was an honest mistake! The sun was in my eyes!

Bhuvi: Speaking of mistakes, remember when Rohit tried to imitate Virat's aggressive captaincy style? It was like watching a cat try to bark!

Rohit: Hey, I can be aggressive when I want to be. Just ask the bowlers who face me in the nets!

Virat: Alright, alright, let's not turn this into a roast session. Besides, we all know who the real master of aggression is on the field!

Ash: Yeah, yeah, we get it, Virat. No need to remind us every chance you get.

Shreyas: Guys, let's not forget about Jassi's reaction when he dropped that easy catch. He looked like he'd just lost his favorite toy!

Jassi: Hey, it happens to the best of us! Besides, I made up for it with that stunning run-out later in the match.

Jadeja: That's the spirit, Jassi! Always bouncing back stronger.

Shubman: Alright, alright, enough teasing. Ishan, you owe me an explanation!

Ishan: Alright, alright, I'll make it up to you, Shubman. How about I bring your favourite cookies next time?

Shubman: Deal! But no more cozying up to any man, okay?

Ishan: Agreed. From now on, it's strictly cricket talk with Daniels.

Virat: Alright, let's wrap this up and hit the nets. We have a game to win, and we need to be focused!

Rohit: And let's make sure to leave the drama off the field. We're a team, and we win together, no matter what.

Shreyas: Hey, did anyone see Ash's reaction when he got out for a duck? He looked like he'd just lost his favorite book!

Ash: Hey, cricket is my life, okay? Getting out for a duck is like losing a chapter in my story.

Yashasvi: Well, at least you didn't drop a sitter like Shubman did in the last match!

Shubman: Hey, lay off me, Yashasvi! It was a tough catch, okay?

Ishan: Guys, let's not forget about the time when Sky accidentally hit the team mascot with a stray shot during practice!

Sky: Oh man, don't remind me. I felt terrible about that. I had to buy the mascot a whole box of chocolates to make up for it!

Jinx: And let's not forget about Bhuvi's legendary yorkers. Remember that time when he bowled three in a row to clean up the opposition's tail?

Bhuvi: Ah, good times. There's nothing quite like the sound of timber flying!

Rohit: Speaking of sounds, did anyone hear Virat's roar when he smashed that century against the arch-rivals? It echoed through the stadium!

Virat: Hey, when the going gets tough, the tough get going! And let's not forget about Rohit's elegant cover drives. It's like poetry in motion!

Rahul: And let's not forget about Siraj's fiery spells with the ball. Batsmen tremble at the sight of him running in to bowl!

Siraj: That's right, Rahul. I bring the heat every time I step onto the field!

Jadeja: And let's not forget about Kuldeep's magic spin deliveries. Batsmen are left scratching their heads trying to pick his variations!

Kuldeep: Thanks, Jaddu. But let's not forget about Jadeja's lightning-fast reflexes in the field. He's like a panther out there!

Jassi: And let's not forget about the time when Tilak's sledging got under the skin of the opposition captain. He was rattled for the rest of the series!

Tilak: Hey, sometimes you have to play mind games to gain the upper hand!

Yuzi: And let's not forget about the time when Shreyas' cool-headedness helped us chase down a daunting target with ease. He's the ice to our fire!

Shreyas: Thanks, Yuzi. But let's not forget about Yuzi's never-say-die attitude. He never gives up, no matter how tough the situation!

Virat: Alright, enough banter for now, boys. Let's hit the nets and get some serious practice in. We have a game to win, and we need to be at the top of our game!

Rohit: Agreed. Let's show the world why we're the best team out there!

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