Chapter Twenty-Eight: Dried Flowers
(3rd POV)
Jess can't understand what happened to his friend Ice and why he hid the life of Shan's fiancee who is also one of his friends.
"Didn't you feel sorry for Shan, what did you think why you did do this? You hid from everyone that Marvin was alive, but his name is now Kit." He just looked at him and told him, "This is for Marvin,"
"Shan needs to know this as well as Marvin's family," Ice suddenly took his phone and threw it so that his phone was damaged.
"Ice!" he wanted to punch her but he couldn't.
"Marvin is happy with me. He doesn't need Shan. His life won't be in danger because of Tina," Jesse asks Ice if he is going to go through with the lie he told Marvin. He says that if it was anyone else, he wouldn't do it, and asks Jess if he'll let him have his time with Marvin. Jess, however, is not in a giving mood and storms out, saying that he's crazy. After Jess leaves, Ice pulls out the painting he made of Marvin and just stares at it.
At the resort, Marvin goes outside and sees Shan standing by the beach.
He feels differently about Shan and he can't understand that so he puts aside his feelings for Shan. As Marvin is about to leave, he sees Ice going to his place.
Ice immediately hugged him and Ice said something to him that he couldn't understand.
"Did something happen at the clinic?" he asked and he just shook his head.
Marvin asks him again if anything's wrong because he's acting weird. Ice tells him that there's nothing wrong.
"I'm hungry," while he was still cute.
When they got home, Marvin saw the painting that Ice made for him.
He remembers her story to him that it was a monthly gift from Ice.
When Jess gets back, he sees Shan next to an open bottle of alcohol and starts to scold him, but Shan says that he hasn't been drinking much. he seems sober as he stares at the wedding invitation, and says he's doing better than he thought. Shan then suggests that they get together for Marvin's birthday next week and then stumbles to his room. Jess starts to go after him but lets him go under his power.
He wants to tell Shan that Marvin is alive but what if Tina, Ice's crazy sister, finds out about it?
He didn't know what he was going to do because two of his best friends were involved in what he was going to do.
Meanwhile, Marvin and Ice are out grocery shopping. he reminds him that it's his birthday next week, but he says that he can only concentrate on one thing at a time and is focused on the clinic. He tells him that it's his first birthday since he lost his memories.
Meanwhile, Shan is busy working with Nadine and some other models. She says that Shan only talks to her during shoots and brings up that Shan promised her a date. Shan blows her off and says that they eat together all the time.
"You're boring. We're different. I saw Ice with him. I didn't know he had come back from America," said Nadine.
Shan was just listening to Nadine's stories, she was one of his best friends.
"Shan, please talk to Jess because I've been weird to him since yesterday, so I can't talk to you, maybe she'll tell you about her problem," he said, holding the end of her dress.
"Okay," he replied shortly.
"Shan, how are you?" asked Nadine and her answer was okay.
Later, Shan's phone rang with an unregistered number, so he didn't answer, especially when Ice and Tina's parents texted him.
He doesn't want to talk to or involve himself in Tina's family. Even though her parents and Ice and Tina's parents are still close friends.
He begs him to grant Tina's desire to talk to him even for the last time. Tina is said to be in serious condition.
He doesn't care even though Tina is feeling bad, his only desire is to keep Tina gone.
This is the reason why Marvin is no longer with her. He hates Tina.
Somewhere in Bangkok.
Tina is in the hospital because she thought she was suicidal.
Her parents don't know what to do with her.
She thought of becoming Marvin, maybe Shan would love her if she became Marvin, he can do that, and she has a lot of money.
She told that to her parents but even her parents mistook her for crazy.
She's not crazy, her thinking is still sane, the doctors just say she's crazy.
What is their division of crazy?
Is it bad that she loves Shan so much that if he had chosen only her and not Marvin, everyone would have been happy?
Everything was planned if only Marvin hadn't come and ruined the good relationship between Shan and her.
She also did not know where her brother Ice was because he suddenly disappeared when he said that Marvin was gone.
Later she saw Marvin standing by his bed.
"You're dead, you're a plague on Shan and my life!!" She would throw what she caught.

Hello My Love
Fanfiction(MileApo Fanfiction and Ongoing Story) Singto and Heart fall in an ill-fated love with each other during college in the 70s. Now in present 21st-century Thailand. Singto's Son, Shan, meets and falls in love with Marvin, Heart's Son. Will their love...