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“You bastard!” Esther tossed herself out of the way of one of the centaurs and threw him up against a tree, “Bring her back here!"

Malcom smiled, “Do you think I'd do that knowing she'd make a great commodity to us? Just look at how hot she is… and pregnant too! That baby will go for so much loot here!”

Esther sighed and began her enchantments as quickly as she could.

She could feel her mate closing in, but she didn't want to make it known that Augustus and Sebastian were even in the Dark Realm.

“I'd advise you to let her go before I make you all a part of the cosmos and nothing more!"

"Big talk from a little witch,” Malcom smirked,"You, -”

He suddenly felt himself growing weaker and his throat began to constrict.

“What… what the hell..! “

“You've clearly underestimated my abilities, Malcolm," Esther grinned, “There won't be anymore of your bullshit today.”

“No!" A booming voice came from behind them, “There won't be!"

A charging Augustus came barreling through the woods as Sebastian knocked out every centaur within reach before watching his mate fight off the one she'd been taken by.

“Get em boys!!"

Once the fighting ensued, there was no way that Sebastian was going to allow access to his mate.

"Keira! Get behind me!”

Keira groaned,"You know I'm quite capable of tearing these beasts to pieces!”

Sebastian knew it, but he didn't want her to take the chance.

“You're going to get on my nerves, mate!"

“You're gonna have to deal with it!" Sebastian growled as he pulled his wife behind him and began fighting off the centaurs.

While her husband showed off his battle skills, Keira pressed her enchantments further, doing damage to other centaurs yards away.

“At least you can stay behind me when you do that," Sebastian said, tossing another centaur into a nearby tree.

He watched Augustus perform the same possessiveness towards his mate who was the most powerful witch in the Shadow Realm.

Smirking, he knew that even though their wives were independent women, they wanted their mates to provide for them, proving their love in more ways than just in the bedroom.

“Watch out!" Keira held her hands up and pulled a centaur out of the way with her mind, “Stay focused, husband. Don't think about me so much!"

Sebastian smiled, “I can't help it. You're all mine and that turns me on."

Keira laughed, “Are you turned on right now?"

Sebastian shrugged, “I might be, but I'll blame it all on you."

“Typical male behavior," Keira scoffed as she looked to Esther who was taking down a centaur.

Malcom was the only one left standing.

“No death for him," Keira said, “He takes us to the hags."

Esther and Augustus agreed. Malcolm would survive the ordeal.

"Is it true? When you die in the Realm you return to the cosmos?” Keira asked as the four surrounded Malcolm.

Esther nodded,"They could be with the gods. That's what happens. They usually don't get away with much here except the usual. It's just like it is in the Shadow Realm, but darkness envelops them and their souls are lost.”

“If he doesn't have a soul, how can we trust him?" Sebastian asked.

“Lots of people with souls are bad, some are good. He's just gotta figure out if he wants to get it back."

Malcolm scowled, “Would you do that for me?"

Esther nodded, “Yes. You have my word. If you don't try anything and help us to the best of your abilities, I will try to get you out of here.”

"That's never happened. It's not in the scrolls or anything!”

Esther moved closer and pointed a finger at him,"I said I'd try! Please! Help us! My friends are dying and so is their baby!”

Malcolm looked to Keira who was running a hand over her belly and Sebastian who was wrapping her up in his arms.

“I can't guarantee anything. Hags are weird as hell."

“They do get a little more delirious once they've been here for far too long,” Esther sighed,"I know. I've read the scrolls.”

"Fine,” Malcolm said as he watched the ashes of his centaurs dissolve into the winds,"They'll be alright?”

Esther frowned,"You didn't hurt anyone did you? You were telling the truth?”

Malcolm nodded,"I don't know how I got here. I've just had to survive. My mate and children were murdered in the first Undead War and I ended up here. I swear to the gods!”

Esther smiled, “I believe you."

Augustus sighed, “You can't be serious?"

Esther looked to her husband, “I see his thoughts. Of course I believe him.”

Sebastian laughed,"Very impressive. Wait! Aren't you able to mind bend?”

Augustus waved a hand,"Don't even ask. She won't do it."

Malcolm gathered his belongings and started ahead of them.

“We'll have to make camp soon. The weather in this level is pretty sporadic, especially when it's nearing the end of the day.”

Sebastian took Keira by the hand as they walked behind Esther and Augustus.

“Emmett is alright?"

Keira giggled, “Oh yes! He has been asleep through the whole thing."

“I can't wait to meet him," Sebastian grinned, “I bet he'll look like you."

“Good thing he won't have his horns yet," Augustus shuddered, “That would be pretty fucking painful."

Esther slapped him playfully on the arm as they journeyed on.

“I love you both, Keira…” Sebastian reminded her,"Maybe by the end of all this, you'll find a way to love me, too.”

Keira and the Satyr's SeductionWhere stories live. Discover now