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'Hey Jude, don't let me down.
You have found her, now go and get her.
Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better'

1919, Birmingham

Rowena was up late, and instead of sleeping she was reading a book Tommy got her for her birthday a few years ago. He brought it from France, and she thought it was just so sweet how even though he was in the middle of a war, he took time to find her a sweet gift.

She was getting sleepy, so she set her book down. She was about to sit down onto her bed when she heard muffled screams from the bedroom next to her. She first thought Tommy had brought home another whore, but after hearing it going on for another ten seconds, she got up to check on him. She grabbed the candle at her bedside and left her room.

She opened his door slightly, checking to see if the coat was clear, walking in slowly. "Tommy?" She gently let out. "Tommy are you alright?" She got closer and set the candle onto his own bedside table. She sat on his bed beside his trashing body. She grasped his shoulder and shook him to wake him. "Tommy."

He sat up, gasping. He spun around and caught her eye. "Winnie?" He sat straighter and grabbed her. He hugged her tight, and she held him in return.

"What's wrong Tommy?" She asked him, rubbing his back.

Breathily, he responded, "A nightmare." He curled up slightly into her arms. "It was about the war... I have a feeling I'll be getting more of those."

She let out a sad sigh and continued to rub his back. He started to pull her into bed and she giggled. The sound of her voice always made him feel better. She tucked herself into the bed along with Tommy and he was finally able to have a good night's sleep. Ever since then, the two has shared a room. And Tommy hasn't gotten any nightmares.

A/N: I don't like this chapter but I hope you did

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