Chapter 4: Uninvited Guest

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The sun rose in the sky as it became mid-day, Astera buzzing with activity as news of the unknown Elder Dragon residing in the ancient forest spread like wildfire throughout every branch of the Commission. Everyone was slowly awaiting the return of the trio that left to find out more about this mysterious Dragon. The Commander was watching the entrances of Astera for the eventual return of the trio, hoping that nothing had gone wrong. For hours he had been there, waiting.

Eventually, his patience had paid off as he could see from his place above the main market, the trio sprinting towards the gate. There didn't seem to be anything chasing them, so why could they be running he wondered. As the trio made it past the gate and it shut behind them, they had finally seemed to relax. They had run so much that now they were bent over, hands on knees heaving to catch their breath. Soon enough, many noticed their return and began to crowd around them asking what they had found.

The Commander began to cut through the crowd as he walked to the trio. Soon, he found himself standing in front of them. "What on earth happened out there?" He questioned as they all finally caught their breath and stood up. The Team Leader then answered quickly "We were investigating the clearing just next to the first camp and our little friend here" he gestured towards the palico "Came running out of the forest towards us when our Scout Flies turned blue and went right to where he ran from. We got prepared to fight wat ever it was, but it had knocked over a tree and left before we could get a good look at it."

The commander listened intently as he began to try and figure out what to do next. After a few moments he began to speak. "If you didn't get a clear look at it, then we may need to try again. For today, I want you to stay here and head back out tomorrow morning. We need to find out what this thing is." He ordered as he turned to return to the council table. The trio, having been dismissed began to go to their rooms to relax for a bit. Leah, though, was lost in thought as she kept going over what she saw over and over in her mind.

Leah (Handler POV)

I just couldn't get it out of my head. I should've said something, but I just couldn't. When it was running away, I had locked eyes with it, bright Azure eyes that didn't look angered, or aggressive, but scared. 'Why would something like that be afraid of us, why would it run?' I thought to myself as I entered my room. I walked over to my bed and fell onto my back, looking up towards the ceiling as I lulled over what happened over and over in my head. That fear that I had seen in its eyes wasn't some sort of primal or instinctual fear. It had knocked down a tree between my Pard and the Team leader, not to hurt them, but to slow them down, it wasn't wanting to fight. This thing, whatever it was, is smart, scary smart.

'I can't just sit here and wait; I need to know more.' I thought to myself as a crazy idea popped into my head. 'If this thing is as smart as I think it is, then maybe we don't have to hunt it like other Elder Dragons. Maybe we could even be able to converse with it......Maybe, I could.' It was a stupid idea, but I just couldn't help myself, but I needed to go back out there. With that thought in mind, I shot up off my bed and before I knew it, I had packed all that I needed to go back out there.

I left my room and quickly left towards the canteen to grab a bite to eat before I left, and maybe bring a little extra for when I'm out there. I got as much food as I could fit in my pack without taking up all the space. I made my way to the exit of Astera and whistled for my wing drake. I grappled to it once it was close enough and I was on my way to the camp. Within the next half hour, I was landing into the small camp and I un-grappled as my feet hit the ground.

I ran out into the clearing where we had run into the monster, seeing the tree that was knocked over. I ran past the tree and into the trail the dragon had made when it ran. My scout flies Instantly turning blue and making a clear path for me to follow. With out a second thought, I ran in the direction they pointed.

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