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"Ok now we have everything lets get back to my house" I say walking out of target making Luke wait outside so he wouldn't try stop me doing what I had planned. We start walking back to my house and sneek in through the back. When we get in Luke looks around my new room and then lies on my bed going on his phone. This gave my a perfect opportunity to check for a room online. They were all quite exspensive and I couldn't afford them

"Why you looking at apartments sky?" Luke asks looking up from his phone. Nothing gets past him does it."Sky your not running away are you, or are you planing to do something with what ever you got at target" Luke asks knowing me to well.

" I was planing on making my mum and veronica pay for what they've done, mostly veronica" I say looking at Luke who look upset."What did veronica do?" He asks looking at me with his brow frowed being utterly confused.

"she told me she was getting abused and I believed her but then when she went into the bathroom to have a shower I heared her on the phone telling abbey who dumb I was and I believed her stupid story" I tell Luke getting angry just thinking about it.

"well you can stay at mine for afew days till they forgive you or when you get on your feet if you want" I look into Lukes beautiful blue eyes. I know he's my best friend but I think I might like him. Is that bad? ugh I dont know any more.

"am yeah thanks, I should probably pack a bag of my nesscery things because I can always sneek in and get my things later" I grab a rucksake and start packing a few clothes,make up , hair things, chargers,phone laptop,shoesand earphones. I leave the bag by the door if needed we can make a run for it.

"Right lets start getting down to buisness. First we wreck veronica's room, then write on the walls and egg, oilet paper the house, ok lets get going" I say grabing the bag I got from target with all the things in.

We go up to veronica's room and start tearing posters up writting on everything on topping things over, well I did it Luke didnt want to do it. then we wrote on the walls things like "you should have remembered" or " you don't have much time before it ends" I got Luke to write things on high places where I couldn't reach. then we go outside and egg the place and throw toilet roll everywhere like you see in the movies.8

"oih what are you kids up to?" my neighbour shouted noticing us."shit run" Luke says running around to the back of my house with me following him. I grab my bag and make a rn for it before the police were called.

We keep running till we get to lukes house. I felt that I might not be welcome at Luke's house after the whole suspension thing especially since Luke's mom works at the school and is supposable my maths teacher which I would've n if I didn't punch Kayla in the face whoops but it was worth it.
"My mom is on e way home,she just text me" Luke says bringing me out of my train of thought. I just smile. I hope she lets me stay and isn't strict.
"Hey lukey I'm home" Luke's mom calls shouting the front door. This was the time to face her and see if I can stay.
"In the sitting room with sky" Luke calls back as she enters the room.
I expected her to look angry at me but when she saw me she gave a big smile and pulled me in for a hug. "so your the famous sky, my role model, lukes been going on about. It's so nice to finally meet you. I'm your biggest fan after that hit and run you did on kayla thank you for that she was doing my head in" she says laughing. I stand there shocked that she was saying these things and shes a teacher.

"Luke why did you never tell me you had an epic mother!!!!" I ask him smiling after I came out of shock. Luke shrugs and laughs."come on I'll get you something to eat dearie" she says leading us into the kitchen and makes coffee and a sandwich for everyone.

"now sky tell me what made you punch sky, was it her annoying voice or the hair flipping thing she did because that always annoyed me" she ask pouring me out a cup of coffee. I liked her more and more every second.

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"yess oh my god her voice is like so high and perky" I say agreeing with her." Mum before we list the many things we hate about kayla I have a question. Can sky stay for awhile because she left her house?" luke asks nervous of what she might say. She looks at him for a few seconds before answering with a big smile " Ofcourse ,sky love stay as long need. Don't think you have to explain yourself I understand" she says to me before getting up to make room for me in hollys room. Liz said she was sure holly didn't mind and she'd probably love it seeing we were good friends and that I can stay in there till she can move the last bits of bens things from his old room and then I can have that one.

I thank her a million times. "Luke where is holly anyways" I ask as we walk up to lukes room. I only noticed that she hadn't come and said hello to me. He shrugs " Probably at kaie's she usually goes there after school, she's gonna get a shock when she finds out your staying here." he says smiling making me think of what she'll be like when she finds out."What do you think veronica's and your moms expression was when they saw the house" he asks making me laughing thinking about it, Just as he said that I got a text.


' Sky where are you, our house has been broken into'

' I've moved out, you wouldn't understand why. I'll be over later to get afew of my things also if you forgot like you have for the last 4 years you gave birth to me today im 17 TODAY'

I type the text to her angrily reading it as I write so Luke knows what I've said to her. As I send the text we here Holly come into the house. "Luke how was your day with sky have you made out with her yet? Luke Loves Sky and wants to kiss her all over!!!!!" she souts running up the stairs to us. I turn to Luke to see he was blushing too. She keeps repeating this until she swings the bedroom dor open to see us sitting there.She puts her hand over her mouth and then bursts out laughing "oopppps sorry I I didn't know she was here but now aleast she knows I guess ahahaha" she says. I was barely able to understand her through all her laughing.

" I swear to fucking god holly im going to kill you" Luke says rugby tackling her to the ground and sitting on her head. I take a pic on snapchat saying brother sisterly love."Holly hunny Sky is staying here for awhile and is staying in your room till I clear Ben's room out ok" Liz says walking in on luke and holly wrestling and me laughing. she burst out laughing at them.

Holly jumps up brushs herself off and smiles down at Luke who was lying on the floor."Really great it's like a sleep over with one of my close friend every night yay" she runs over to me and hugs me jumping up and down.

"right well sky why dont you put your things in Holly's room and all of you can get ready for dinner it'llbe ready soon" Liz says after holly quiets down and luke gets off the floor and sits beside me and holly. we all nod at her and me and holly get up. I get my bag and walk towards Holly's room while luke gets changed.

I unpack my things hanging my clothes u and puting them into the wardrobe space holly gsve me along all m make up hair things on abit of them dresser holly cleared for me I pulg my charger in and charge my phone after I unpack my bag I realize that I left my laptop at home which means I have to go back today I as hoping to not go back for afew days and get some things then. " Luke" I shout so he can hear from the other room. He walks in "Yeah?" he asks looking concerned. his blue eyes search my face t know What's wrong."I left my laptop at my house which means I do have to go back today." I say sounding upset.

"You can share mine and holly's and any homework things that you need off yours you can just hack into your computer off ours, your good at that and we can save all your school things onto one memory stick and all your photos and things you have on your laptop onto another stick" He says suggesting an idea knowing I didn't want to face my family at the momet. I nod my head in agreement before shooing him out the dorr so we could get changed into our pj's. The only thing I could find last minute was a string top and booty shorts so I throw them on wipe off my make up and put my hair into a messy bun. Holly did pretty much the same and then we went down stairs for dinner which was chicken,carrots,potatoes and gravey.

As I walk into the kitchen Luke looked at me weirdly he has his mouth wide open and just stared at me."What is there something on my face?" I ask giving him a weird facial expression. he shakes his head and just goes on his phone. I brush it off and sit beside Holly while we waited for the dinner to be dished up. My phone beeps so I unlock it and see that Luke sent me a text. I look at him and he moves his eyes to the phone to say read it. so I open the text

( since im on my laptop I have no emojis so the names will be without them)

~Luke the penguin~

The reason i was taring was because you look really pretty. Also I think you many have givin me abit of trouble in the downstaris area (boner)

I burst out laughing after reaing the text. I laugh a little to loud and holly looks at my phne and sees wha luke said and starts laughing.



"Mom Luke has a boner from looking at Sky" Holly says laughing. Luke glares at her and Liz laughs.

"you cant be serious Luke Jesus Liz does not approve" she says looking at him he blushes but smiles at what his mom says.

~Luke the penguin~

IM gonna kill holly right after I go sort this out. Do you have any panties or pictures of you I could use to lok at ;)


Fuck off you perv <3

"Luke you have a girlfriend so stop sexting sky at the dinner table and go sext kayla instead you fuckboy" Holly says reading the texts again making both of us blush. Luke walks out the kitchen and flipps holly off before going t the bathroom r his rooom to wank.

"Wait what do you mean he has a girlfriend as in his ex kayla?" I ask confused." No him and kayla are still together did he not tell you, thats why I thoght you punched her" Liz says looking at me

"He said they brok up during the summer." I say wonding did he lie and if so why." Well his only with her because shes the most popular girl in school and lukes the nost poular guy and if they didnt go out people will start to think Luke shouldnt be popular. He Hates kayla but lives with it to keep his reputation like I said a complete fuckboy am I right?" Hollly says explaining everything to me. I Try not to look hurt and just eat my dinner ignoring the feeling of wanting to cry.

A/N heyyyyyyyy so probably loads of grammar mistskes because im on the computer so sorry about that. also I won two tickets to see marcus butler on his book tour I can't wait are any of you gong to it in dublin if so we could meet up. I'd love to meet some of you guys. It Is currently ashtons birthday today 21 holy fuck as I wrote this i was listening to some music which I made into a playlist called song songs I like I know great name but I have it on spotify if you wanna see it or wanna follow me ill follow back just let me know that your from here so i know also I like just join i know im way behinf but i usually download my music anyways its currently 1am im tired so im gonna check if my ipad is charged so i can watch some netflix and youtube love you all dont forget to comment and vote even just comment hello.

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