Warning Crazy Lady in the vicinity. Proceed with caution.

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Bells chimed as the shop door closed behind Lacey. The combination of the tinkling tune and sound of the door shutting made her jump, snapping her out of a trance. Abruptly, Lacey spun around the shop as nervous as a long tailed cat in a rocking chair factory. The only light in the shop was the hue of pink shining in through the window. Looking outside she could see the reflection of the stupid neon pink sign promising eternal love in the window displays of the shops across the street.

Ornaments of coloured glass and metal hung amongst flowing fabric and feathers across the ceiling. Shelves holding an array of items lined the walls in an organised mess. There were tarot cards, crystals and candles. Even the shop floor had one to many tables covered in other trinkets to the point you could barely walk through without the fear of knocking something expensive over.

When did she get in here? How did she get in here? What was she doing in here?

Incense invaded her nose making it itch. Her allergies never did like those infernal sticks - the main reason she never went into these new aged shops. A shame really because she loved crystals. She had to resist the urge to rush over to the shelf to stroke the geodes.

She squinted into the darkened shop wondering again how she came to be in here. Last thing she remembered was walking down the path outside, staring at the concrete. Did she have more to drink than she realised? She couldn't remember drinking that much at the office party. Although, she had drunk on an empty stomach, which was a stupid idea, but she had been such a bundle of emotions that she couldn't eat anything.

Well, no use standing here like an idiot. It was time to go home, cut herself out of this dress and cry like the big stupid baby she was. Her stomach growled and she added stopping in at that new pizza place to get food onto her list. She could even grab a few more bottles of wine on the way.

Her nose itched again, releasing a wave of sneezes that made her head hurt. She rubbed the corners of her eyes wondering if this evening could get any worse. First finding out Ben had a fiancé and now memory loss with a runny nose and no tissues in sight. If her throat started closing up she was going to lose it. No fucking way she was going to die, not after the night she had.

"Welcome." A light sultry voice called out. Lacey didn't think her nerves could take anymore surprises. She was one scare away from wetting herself and she did not want to add 'pissing her pants' to tonight's list of unfortunate events. "I am Venus, how can I serve you today?" Through watery eyes Lacey saw a woman standing in front of her dressed like she was ready to go to the fair as a gypsy woman. Where did she come from? Lacey eyed the mysterious woman up and down, taking in her silky billowy skirt, loose blouse and bare feet. The woman was really playing up on the 'Psychic Gypsy' theme. At least she was dedicated.

Besides the weird outfit she was strikingly beautiful, with a curvy body that all women would be jealous of. Her ample chest was naturally perky, slightly hidden under thick waves of long golden curls. She had strong prominent features with sharp cheekbones, a beautifully shaped nose with full and perfectly maintained eyebrows, but because of how full her face was they just made her look even more stunning. Lacey was most jealous of her skin, it was as clear as porcelain with no blemishes in sight. She radiated perfection with not an ounce of makeup.

Lacey had never equally hated and loved someone so much at the same time.

"Sorry." Lacey sneezed again, wanting to get out of this place, and away from the most beautiful woman she had ever seen as soon as possible. The woman rushed to her side, light on her feet and seeming to float. Great. Elegant and beautiful. The only sound from her movement was the jingle from the array of rings and necklaces she was wearing. And even those somehow sounded dainty.

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