Chapter 19

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There was silence. Nicholas let go of her and looked at her bright golden eyes, hoping she'll get back what she said.

"Are you serious?" He said


Alarice contemplated a lot on when she'll open this topic up. She thought about it a lot while walking in the hallway and she arrived at a conclusion that the sooner the better.

She looked straight in his eyes. His expression was something that she didn't expect. She expected him to take it as some kind of business as they always do.

For her, they were really just business partners albeit sleeping with each other occasionally, That was the most of their relationship in her perspective.

She took her eyes off him and get the cup of coffee on the table and drink it. She's trying to compose herself. After all she's telling the man she always love yo marry another woman.

"Why?" He almost whispered. Pain, confusion, disappointment, and a sense of betrayal all  laced in his deep voice.

"I know that having another member of the Royal Family is without a doubt a blessing, however you also know the consequences it'll have with the nobility's power balance. We have to give the new nobles on my side another form of power to hold on to. " She explained casually trying to stop trembling.

"Then isn't us having a child a much better option?" He asked

"No. It's written in our contract that-"

"D*MN that contract! That's always your excuse! I'll gladly tear it up if that's what's stopping you!"

"This is not just about the contract, Your Majesty."

"Then what is it?!"

His veins we're almost popping out from mixture of anger and confusion.

"I just don't want us to have a child. I don't want to have your child! Is that reason enough?!" She yelled without looking at him

There was another silence.

"It's not you don't want to have a child. It's you don't want a child from me." He mumbled looking at the ground. It's more like he's saying that to himself rather than her.

She sighed. She looked at him. Luckily, he's looking at the ground that he can't see the pain written all over her face.

"Is that why you took a dangerous herb as a contraceptive to prevent us from having a child? You're even willing to ruin your health just so not to mix your blood with mine." He said then he looked at her.

Alarice looked away. She cannot meet his eyes. Those eyes were full of emotions and this is her first time seeing it.

"Yes. It'll be a trouble to have your child. I'm afraid of having your child." She said

"But you are willing to be a mother to a child that is not even from you?" He asked

She looked at him confused.

"You gave that child your blood that's why she get to inherit all the perks of being your first daughter when it should be OUR DAUGHTER!" He yelled

"Why are you bringing Hiciel to this conversation?! She has nothing to do with this!"

"Oh she has! She stole the power that was supposed to be our child's!"

"And I told you over and over again. I don't want your child. So I'd rather use that power to save someone!"

"But you are willing to kill our child before she was born if you ever conceived one, right?"

She paused for a while. "Yes."

"Hah! Do you hate me that much? Is that your way of revenge for all the things I've done to you?"

"Your Majesty, our feelings have nothing to do with this! The reason why I don't want to have a child is because I don't want him or her to live fighting for her life for a throne!"

"Our child would be the priority in inheriting the throne anyway! You can always have my support!" He continue yelling while clenching his fists.

"And what will happen to Mael and Naveen? What do you think your other wives would do? You know exactly how the life of the Royalties are in this Empire Your Majesty. I don't want my child to experience something like this." She hissed

He's hurt, but he hurts her even more. How dare he thinks only of himself? He has other wives as well as other children, does he think she'll be happy if he would just favor them allowing the other wives harbor jealousy over her and threatens her life and her child's?

"We can just figure it out."

"How?! I don't want to come to the point where you failed to protect us and regrets having your child."

He stands up abruptly and was about to go out.

"This conversation is over. I'll never marry another woman. If you think having another child will be needed in order to balance the power in the nobility then you'll have to bear one." He said

"Don't be irresponsible, Your Majesty! I beseech you!"

"I no longer want to have to marry just for power! I don't want to have another miserable woman in this palace just so they could threaten or kill each other!" He yelled

"This is the consequences of being in power. You should've known it will come to this."

He was breathing heavily. The tightness in his chest is suffocating. He badly needs air but the person who gave him one was taking it slowly from him with all the word she's spouting.

He sighed.

"I need this power and no one can take this away from me. I'll think of another way to restore the balance between the nobles. It doesn't need to be abrupt. I'm still their Emperor whatever my decision is, they'll have no choice but to follow me."

"Are you saying you're going to be a tyrant if needed be?"


Alarice was taken aback. Nicholas was a powerful Emperor. The only reason why the nobles seemed to have that much influence is because he vowed to be a lenient Emperor for a peaceful reign. Whenever there was an arguments between him and the nobles he stayed up all night thinking of ways to compromise so bloodshed or ill feelings won't prevail. And now he's telling he's willing to use force? Ridiculous.

"You can't do that." She said

"Oh I can." He smirked. "It's getting tiresome on wearing this good Samaritan mask, My Empress." He said

He stopped before opening the door.

"Get a doctor to check up on you." He coldly ordered

"I don't need it."

"EMPRESS! Get a doctor to check up on you! That's an order!" His voice roared in the four corners of the room

She flinched. It's been a while since he yelled at her.

"I understand, Your Majesty but please also keep in mind that I still have no plan on having a child. After all how can I be sure you'll be able to protect me from everyone? I don't want to end up like the first concubine." She said

Nicholas' jaw clenched. He then opened the door and get out of the room.

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