Chapter no.7 Tier 10

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Gary Oak was more than just a name in Pallet Town.

He was a prodigy, the perfect embodiment of legacy and talent.

As the son of the previous champion, Blue Oak, and the grandson of the legendary Professor Oak, greatness was not just expected of him; it was his birthright.

In every aspect of his life, Gary shined. In sports, he was unmatched, always the first to be picked for any team.

Academically, he excelled without seeming to try, his grades a constant source of envy and admiration.

But Gary's ambitions stretched beyond mere academic and athletic prowess.

He had charisma, a magnetic charm that drew people to him.

This was evident in his peculiar achievement of having the entire cheerleading team as his girlfriends, a feat he pursued simply because he could.

Yet, for Gary, these accomplishments were mere stepping stones.

He wasn't content being known merely as the son of Blue or the grandson of Professor Oak. He was determined to forge his own path, to make the name 'Gary Oak' synonymous with his own achievements, not just as a reflection of his lineage.

Standing in front of the announcement board with his entourage of admirers and his harem of girlfriends, Gary's eyes immediately darted to the top of the list. His heart skipped a beat as he read his own name:

2nd: Gary Oak: 95 Points - Tier 9.

A sense of disbelief washed over him. He was not first.

In that moment, Gary's usually unshakable confidence wavered.

Who could have possibly outscored him? He had given everything to this exam, confident that his abilities and heritage would naturally place him at the top. The realization that someone else had surpassed him was a jolt to his ego, a challenge to the identity he had built for himself.


Yellow excitedly pointed to a position on the announcement board.

"Look!" she exclaimed, a broad smile on her face.

Peter looked where she indicated and saw, 7th: Yellow Amarillo: 72 Points - Tier 8.

He beamed with pride.

"That's amazing, Yellow! Have you thought about which Pokémon you'll choose?"

"Nope, I'll decide when I see them. Now, let's find your name," Yellow replied, her eyes scanning the board.

Peter nodded, half-expecting to be in Tier 8, remembering Ash's canonical starter, Pikachu. However, as they searched, his name was nowhere to be found in the expected tier.

"Babe," Yellow said, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"What?" Peter asked, feeling a blush creep up his cheeks.

He turned to see Yellow pointing towards the top of the list.

Curious, Peter looked up, and his jaw dropped.

1st: Ash Ketchum: 100 Points - Tier 10.

He was speechless.

"You got first!" Yellow exclaimed, jumping up and down with excitement.

People around them began to whisper, their eyes fixed on Peter.

"Hey, when was the last time someone got Tier 10?"

"In Kanto?"



Even Gary Oak, who had always been at the top, stared at Peter in shock. Peter, meanwhile, felt a surge of happiness unlike anything he had ever experienced. On Earth, he had felt like he hadn't achieved much, but here, as Ash Ketchum, he had reached the pinnacle - Tier 10.

Tears welled up in his eyes, a mix of disbelief and joy. "I can't believe this. I actually did it," he thought, overwhelmed by the moment.

Yellow hugged him tightly, sharing in his joy. "I'm so proud of you, Ash! You're amazing!"

Peter hugged her back, still processing the reality of his achievement. "I'm... I'm a Tier 10," he said, the words sounding surreal even to his own ears.


Sitting outside the office, Peter's mind was a whirlwind of panic. "What if they made a mistake with the exam results? What if I'm not really Tier 10?" he worried, his leg bouncing nervously.

As he was lost in his anxious thoughts, the doors swung open, and Delia Ketchum, rushed in. Her face was a mix of concern and excitement as she enveloped Peter in a tight hug.

"Baby, are you okay? Is everything fine? They told me to come here right away. Did something happen?" Delia bombarded him with questions, her voice laced with worry.

Peter, still adjusting to being Ash, stuttered as he tried to reassure her.

"M-Mom, it's okay. I-I'm fine. They just wanted to t-talk to me, I think."

Delia pulled back, looking him over. "Are you sure, honey? You're not in trouble, are you?"

Peter shook his head, attempting a reassuring smile. "N-No, I don't think so. I'm not in trouble."

Delia sighed in relief, but her eyes still held a hint of concern. "You had me so worried. When they said you scored top in the exam, I couldn't believe it. And then they called me here... I thought something was wrong."

Peter felt a surge of guilt for worrying her. "Sorry. I didn't mean to cause any panic."

Delia patted his back gently. "It's okay, Ash. I'm just so proud of you. But you know, causing a heart attack is not a great way to celebrate."

Peter chuckled nervously. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Ahem," a voice called out, drawing the attention of Peter and Delia. They turned to see Professor Oak standing there, accompanied by Gary Oak and a girl in a lab coat who held a tray with three Pokéballs.

"Professor Oak," Peter said respectfully, while Delia bowed slightly in a gesture of respect.

"Hello there, nice to meet you," Professor Oak greeted warmly, shaking Delia's hand before turning to Peter.

Delia, with a hint of worry in her tone, asked, "Is everything alright? Is my son in trouble?"

Professor Oak smiled reassuringly. "Everything is fine, Mrs. Ketchum. Why don't we talk inside my office?" He gestured for them to follow him.

Entering the office, Peter observed its grandeur. The walls were lined with shelves filled with books and various Pokémon artifacts. A large desk sat in the center, cluttered with papers and research equipment.

"Daisy, please place the Pokéballs on the desk," Professor Oak instructed.

Daisy complied, her smile offering a bit of comfort to the nervous Peter and Delia.

"First of all, I would like to congratulate young Ash for his achievements. A Tier 10 trainer," Professor Oak announced.

Peter let out a sigh of relief, while Delia looked stunned.

"A Tier 10... Ash?"

"I am sure everyone is as surprised as you are, Mrs. Ketchum," the professor continued, turning his attention to Peter. "Now then, let's choose your starter."

Peter felt a mix of excitement and anxiety. "Choosing a starter... This is really happening," he thought, his mind racing.

Delia, still in disbelief, muttered, "My Ash, a Tier 10..."

Professor Oak, with a twinkle in his eye, said, "Yes, quite an achievement."

Peter, trying to lighten the mood, joked, "Maybe I should start preparing my victory speech now."

Delia chuckled softly, the tension in the room easing slightly. "I always knew you were special, Ash. But this is beyond anything I imagined."

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