[Chapter 12] Heliot

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"What is the meaning of this?"

Amy glanced around, noticing the tense atmosphere. "And why are there a lot of students here?" She turned back to glare at Casier, clearly annoyed.

Hannah shrieked and Casier stepped forward, "Amy Jae Kel Perlic.."

"Wow, really? Does saying my name require being spoken in full?"

"Shut it." Casier cut her off, "I received a lot of opinions from the other students that you've been misbehaving right after you entered school. Explain yourself."

"Gladly, however, can I request that we do this in private?" Amy smiled, not looking directly at Casier but between him and Hannah.

Casier gritted his teeth, "You're speaking to the Prince of this kingdom-"

"Love, you are the second Prince, Prince Heliot beside you is the first Prince. I won't explain myself unless Prince Heliot himself order me to speak."

Heliot flinched at the mention of his name and glanced at Casier and Amy back and forth. When he glanced at Casier, he was beet red from embarrassment and anger.

Amy bowed and walked past them.

"Lady Amy."

Hearing Heliot's voice say her name, Amy froze on the spot, waiting for him to continue.

Casier stared at his brother with anticipation, Hannah also stared at Heliot with anticipation as well and the students held their breath.

"Meet me at the garden later, I have something I wish to speak to you."

Heliot smiled, not expecting Amy to see it.

To his surprise, Amy turned around and smiled back at him. She turned back again and start walking away from the crowd.

Right after she walked away, a continuous murmur of the students gradually became louder as seconds goes by.

Heliot also walked away from the crowd, followed by a enthusiastic Casier, dragging a pale Hannah with him.
"I'm the 'first' Prince? That's the first time I heard that from a noble." Heliot chuckled. "A shame that she's engaged to Casier."
Amy hurriedly ran off to her room, ignoring the glances from the students she walked past.

Right after she got to her room, she laid down on her bed and screamed, muffled by a pillow.

"That dumb boy- ughhh. Yeah, it'll help with tarnishing any reputation I have but what about his reputation? I thought he was gonna meet at the garden with the fl! From what I remembered, that's how Hannah and him improved their relationship! Making him fall for her!"

I continued on ranting until I noticed that it's almost evening, the sun setting slowly.

I sat up and worked on myself to appear 'elegant'. As I slowly walked to the door, I paused right before I opened it.

"Wait, if I don't show up, I think Hannah might be able to cheer him up! Ha! I'm just gonna sleep."

Amy excitedly thought about all the situations that can happen if she doesn't go meet Heliot, resulting in her falling asleep at a chair next to the door, and with a desk as well.

At the garden, Heliot was seen by students sitting at a bench near the flowers, reading a book. They immediately knew that he was waiting for Amy as they all heard the talks of them meeting up.

"That failure of a noble really made Heliot wait for her!"

"I know! And it's almost evening too!"

Heliot looked up from his book and stared at the sky, relief on his face. "I knew she wouldn't show up, but the feeling ignored by someone you admire does hurt, huh?" He closed the book and was gonna stand up to go to his dorm, but he was stopped by a tug on his sleeve.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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