Chapter Nine: Match, Game and Set?

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----- 25th of January, 2011 -----

Our match had been going on for a few days already, and so far we had been pretty evenly matched. We had won the coin toss so had gone with a city scape arena as that was where we fought best. However, Bathomiet had clearly watched our matches before hand, as his first act was to send his Ranger at us. We had taken them down pretty quickly that was true, however he had taken out Anwir and Mealladh before we could, which judging by the fact he was aiming exclusively for them that was his objective all along.  We'd managed to take down all his Vanguards, but it had cost Celestia, Calum and Dwane to do it. Geena and Judith had managed to neutralize two of his Guardians and their Familiars but had themselves been neutralized for their troubles.

"So we have to deal with, both a right and left hand, a ranger, two Warrior's and Bathomiet himself. Shouldn't be too difficult." I said as Sammy laid out a map we'd managed to figure out.

"Don't forget their Familiars." Angi added, while Jasmine healed his broken arm. "That Pegasus is strong as hell. How they got a Death Realm horse I have no fucking idea."

"That's hardly relevant right now, but you do have a point with their Familiars." Sammy spoke rubbing her temples the way she always did when she was stressed.

"Want me to take Yuguchi and do a scouting run?" 

Suddenly our base shook and it shook hard, as if we were under heavy attack from something, quickly we ran to the roof of our castle, only for us to see what was going on. We had erected a Tainted-Protection Spell once we realized this game would go on for more than a day. What we looked on, well it was something any magic users could do, it was where multiple casters cast the same spell, commonly known as a Covenant Spell. 

What effect that had on the spell depended on the kind of spell being used, for example in the case of a Destruction-Magic, it changed the size of the Projectile from being that of a sports ball, although what sports ball depended on the power level of the caster even then at a Divine Level it was typically the size of a basket ball, to what could only be described as a magical artillery short, the size and power level of said shot being determined by those using it. 

 Using Covenant-Magic however took great skill, or one thing you had to be heavily in tune with those around you, unless you had a focus such as a magical artifact or weapon at which point it became easier to do. In fact without a focusing artifact the only people who could do it easily were Demons  due to our Battle Focus, and Angels as they in fact had similar with their own ranks.

 Right now his remaining Ranger and both of his Warrior's  were using a Covenant Spell Soullite.  In there case, as the three of them were all restricted to a Power Level of Angel, they were currently casting it at the lower end of the Divine level, had they more people it would have been more effective but with only three the spell was just verging on the Divine, not to say that wasn't powerful. Just that it could have been more powerful.  It was a rather serial sight to watch, given that the Soullite made no sound, the three of them were stood in a triangle, holding their hands to the centre, the spell would gather there in between them for a moment, before they'd turn on us, all as one, and the spell would fly out, and impact our bases' Clipeum, were it not for the flash of light from the impact, and the shaking it caused you wouldn't know it was going on.

We could wait them out, let them run out of their magical energy but our defenses would probably break after another hit like that, after all until Sammy became Queen her Power-Level  was capped at Semi-Divine, by her father's Key, and she had cast our protection Spell. Given one, maybe two more hits and the Divine-Level spell we were being pelted with would break.  I had no clue why they'd try such a tactic, I mean in a battle feild it made sense but here. It was a waste of resources, considering there was much better ways to use Magic than a Covenant Spell, when you were running on very limited Nexus Energy.

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