Chapter 12 (M)

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After a very long time Jennie's nightmares paid her a visit while she was sleeping. As usual big vicious wolfs were trying to rip her head open and her heart was racing. Only when Lisa's arms wrapped around her torso she finally managed to breathe properly.

"I won't let anything happen to you my mate. I promise you." Lisa whispered in her ear and as a few tears escaped Jennie's eyes she drifted back to sleep.

She woke up hours later in the evening with Lisa still by her side.

"Lisa I can't do this anymore. I'm literally loosing my mind. I need to get away from all this."

Lisa's heart fell to her stomach but truth was she was expecting this outcome. She had already contacted V about it cause he was the only person she could trust to get Jennie out of pack territory with safety. Mainly it was absolutely crucial she had no clue about her mate's whereabouts once Jennie left. Even the temptation to get close to make sure she was ok would be extremely risky.

"I understand. I must inform you though it won't be easy. You won't be able to contact anyone anymore. You'll be all on your own from now on." It was slightly unclear whether Lisa was trying to scare her off or prepare her for the worst.

"That I can handle. What about..." Jennie couldn't even form the words but Lisa understood what she was referring to. Their pups.

"It's up to you once you are on your own. But to be honest I don't want to know. I can't handle that I'm sorry. I need to know nothing about your whereabouts cause I know for sure I will try to find you and that's very risky."

Despite her decision being crystal clear Jennie had no idea what the best option for her pups was. If this scenario had occurred less than a month ago she would already be out the door and into the woods seeking for her deprived freedom. She started pondering about how she'd be able to raise them all by herself. If she could keep them away from her mate. If she could actually survive without Lisa by her side.

"Maybe V will be able to help you. I've already contacted him to figure this out. We are meeting later today." Lisa's voice snapped her out of her deep thinking. "Come on let's get ready."

They met V at the same restaurant she first saw her brother alive after his supposed death. It's ironic how both of them ended up in the same position but with completely different intentions.

As soon as they walked into the room V stood up and almost immediately his brows creased in concern. Once Jennie walked closer and her scent filled his nostrils he exchanged a worrisome look with Lisa who in return nodded to confirm his suspicion.

"Let's siit down there's a lot to talk about." He said and pulled the chair for his sister. They sat in silence for a couple of minutes all three of the contemplating the situation.

"So..." Jennie hesitantly said.

V remained silent and exchanged looks with both of them. He took a deep breath and finally spoke.

"Well... Considering your state there's a way we might be able to cover this up."

"How?" Lisa asked.

"Pregnancy complications. It will save us time and it's convincing."

The plan seemed very simple yet very effective, since it would impossible for Jennie to hide her pregnancy till they could organize her escape. There was only one problem that Jennie couldn't figure out a solution.

"Lisa I need to talk to V alone."

Even though Lisa wasn't happy about being kept in the dark she knew it was what was best and mainly what she asked from her mate in the first place. She quietly made her way out of the room living the two siblings alone after a very long time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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