I sweep the floor carefully so that I can gather even the small pieces of paper left lying around.
"I still have no idea what it was all about?" I sigh as I speak.
"Well, what happened, sweetheart?" The kind old lady looked up at me trying to also understand. I inwardly groan in frustration.
"I already told you; they came in and made a mess and tried to get me fired" I sweep a little harder before giving up and putting the broom away to fetch the mop from the bucket. Mrs. Adora was surprised by the extent the girls had gone to today.
"Oh, well that doesn't sound very nice? Why did they do that?" I lean on the mob and look at her.
"I don't know? Maybe one of them has a brain injury and the other two just follow along so that she doesn't feel left out or something..."Mrs. Adora emptied a bin, shaking her head.
"Oh, that poor girl... should I make her a batch of cookies for you to give to her as a get-well gift?" I couldn't help but giggle a little to myself at her attempt to fix the situation. I finish mopping before I put it back to get ready to move areas.
"She'd probably have a meltdown from me trying to poison her and make her fat" The old lady was very confused at this point. She tries to figure out what I mean as she puts the rubbish into the trolly bin. She struggles for a moment when it doesn't open properly.
"Why does this contraption never work anymore?" I look her smiling, she really did remind me of a grandmother who had way to much energy and free time. How she managed to still work a job so demanding on the body at her age, I'll never know.
"Here Mrs. Adora. You need to pull the lever, remember?" I pull the lever for her so it fully opens.
"Oh, that's right, dear. Well, I'm glad you're here. This little old bat is getting forgetful nowadays." She chuckled to herself. I help the older lady finish with the heavy rubbish bags.
"Think nothing of it, nothing wrong with that." In all honesty, I was just as forgetful. I left the sink going in my bathroom once and got a huge water bill since it was on for two days straight. Then there was that other time I left the sink going... and the oven...
"Once, I forgot I was washing dishes and left the tap running." Mrs. A smiles up at me.
"Well, that doesn't sound too bad, dear" I smile nervously.
"The plug was in and flooded the apartment because I went out to a friend's house..." In surprise she placed a hand over her mouth.
"Oh dear sweetheart" I laugh a little, at the time it had been bad but now it was a little funny.
"It took me five months to pay off the damage repairs" She shakes her head again.
"You need to be more careful young lady... now if you'll excuse me, I have to go vacuum in the conference room upstairs" Mrs. A walked off to go upstairs with a deadpan look after I told her what I had done. The next thing I hear is Mrs. Adora calling down the stairs to me.
"Someone broke a vase in there" Of course they did. I shake my head and finish packing things away for this level.
"Okay Mrs. Adora"
By the time I get home, it's well and truly past midnight, and I'm exhausted. The first thing I do is collapse on my bed.
"So... tired" I roll over on to my side and sigh.
"Stupid Wednesdays..." It's already 1:32 am, so I guess technically it's Thursday now, but still.
"He'll kill me if I don't text... but I don't wanna move..." Before I can even finish debating with myself to send a quick text to Leo about me getting home safely, I'm already asleep.
Beep Beep Beep. It's a piercing sound, and I hate it.
"go away..."
Beep Beep Beep. I open my eyes just enough to see my clock so I can turn it off. Once the annoying sound is gone, I curled back up into a ball, hoping for more sleep. Only to realise a few seconds later I'm completely screwed.
"Shit!" I sit up quickly and look at the clock again as dread fills me... its 8 am... I fell asleep...
"I'm dead..." Seconds later, my phone goes off for my wake-up call from Leo. Only I'm no fool... thats a phone call of death now.I pick up my phone quickly and throw it across the room as sweat literally rolls down my temples from the adrenalin. The phone rings for a few more minutes before stopping, and I sigh in relief, only for it to ring again; I try to back away from my phone further, only to fall off my bed. I swallow and take a breath knowing he'll just keep calling until I answer. I slowly crawl over to my phone, and in the deepest voice I can manage I answer.
"Hello! Ipswich Morgue, you kill 'em we chill 'em how can I help you today?"
"WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" Cyrus screams through the phone almost temporarily deafening me.
"Ouch, Cy, that was my ear.." The next voice was enough to scare me.
"It will be more than just your ear..." I can feel myself go pale at Leo's voice.
"Now come on, I fell asleep I'm sorry" I tried to plead for some mercy. I can hear Leo sigh.
"Clementine, the deal with Theo so you could take that shift on Wednesdays is that you have to text or call when you get home. This is the fifth time you haven't done that"
"I know... I'm sorry..." I sigh and grumble.
"We'll talk later the s'arvo. Come over after school." I scratch at my cheek nervously.
"I can't today... I have homework to catch up on and work at 9..."
"Clementine-" His voice starts to get angrier which in turn triggers me now.
"You're not in charge of me, Leonardo. I'm already going to be late for school so I need to go and shower... talk late" I put my phone down and leave for a quick shower in a huff.
Leo looks at Ruby and Cyrus in concern over Clem.
"Why are girls so hard to handle?" Cy comments in confusion with his hands on his hips. Leo looks over at him in exasperation.
"If I knew the answer to that, I'd probably be a millionaire"
"We'd all be millionaires if we knew the answer to that..." Ruby shakes his head with his arms crossed over his chest.

Anima Life
FantasyA world where a genetic mystery has come to life and in doing so has been shamed. Anyone born with the genetic mutation has been deemed as none human. An Anima they are called. Those born as an Anima are taken and killed, and those who aren't must s...